General > The Shed

One thing after another ........

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spells where one just cannot win?

Yes -Pre Maturation Syndrome

Well not quite but think about it. ;)


Garden Manager:
At last feeing better. Last few days have been frustratng to say the least. Sitting around at home doing not a lot and thinking at times 'well i dont feel that bad i could be doing something' and the next feeling so lousy even sitting in a chair is too much effort.

Still i have tried to keep the mind active and have kept an eye on the bulbs coming out in the garden, all the time planning ahead what i have to ddo once better.

The phrase 'hasten slowly' is apt i think when recovering from illness. Ie not rush. I tried getting out and about doing things yesterday, but it proved too much too soon. Today i am taking things easy ahead of an 'interesting' day out tomorrow, which I wont go into here and now. Hopefully by tomorrow morning I should be back to near normal. So that is something to look forward to then.  :)  :)


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