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Cheapest rent?

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£1.00 is superb - mine is £6 this year which is pretty cool, (its half price for the first year) for 1/2 a 100ft lottie.  Its self-managed, and we have fabulous 8ft oddmetal fencing around the whole site - with those horrid turned in spikey bits to stop the baddies!  I thought the council had done the fencing, but apparently it was the committee who organised and paid it - not bad considering everything is run from a hut and a very dog eared book with illegible notes in it that go back 30 odd years!  My allotment is 'you know, that one next to Norman that Alan had until about 10 years ago'!!!  I did try telling the 'rent man' I was allotment 33a, but the first description was the one that did the trick!

Mrs Ava:
cor, thought ours was good at 3 quid, however, we have to get our own water from the stream, and there is zero security as it is a wee site in the middle of nowhere surrounded by hedgerows and farmers fields.  To be honest, it often gets mistaken for a garden!  A pound, it's laughable isn't it - I mean, you just can't think of a reason not to take it on!


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