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Cheapest rent?

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Council Allotments in Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire are just £1 a year. Is this the cheapest or what?

While the security at the allotments is not the messing around, especially in winter when not many gardners about...there is water taps that are free to use. Thomas


£1 a year, mine costs £54 a year but the size is 90 x 50 yards (is this a big lottie or a very small holding? ???). We have water which is free ;D but as you the problem of vandalism and damage is sickeneing >:( last year i had 2 sheds,greenhouses burnt down, and i just built them a month ago. I tried to claim it on our insurance but got no joy there :(. So now i'm thinking of getting a dog,bull,20,000 volt fence just to see if that would stop the little b***tards, but knowing them they would still find some way in to pinch my peas.
Anyway enough of my little problems i'll have to phone the local council to see what they think, and see if we can get a reduction ;D but i wont hold my breath.


£1..that's..that's  "thud!"

The average for a 10 pole (250msq) is £26.

Jethro, don't you guys have an Association, or a Federation that gets to deal with the Authorities?

What area of the country are you in?

Hi Merv, yes we have an association but unfortunately it's run by geriatrics ( sorry for this statement but the youngest is 83) and as you expect don't do much for us younguns ( 46 ) i'm trying to get elected but they think i'm too young, fancy free, footloose and a radical, who me ???. I've tried contacting the council but they don't want to know either >:( it must be my aftershave or something.
So at the moment i'll stick with it, but come the revolution brother are they in trouble ;D.


Most Associations are affiliated to National.  And as such you can get in touch with your Regional Management Committee for advice.  Your Council should be working within the framework of "Growing in the Community-a Good Practice Guide"

This is published by The Local Govt. Association.


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