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Hi!   Sorry to introduce myself with such a boring subject but I just found the site as I was doing a bit of research.   Is there anyone who knows what rent is charged on allotments owned by the Crown or by the Duchy of Lancaster?

I rent one of a group of 6 allotments which have no facilities and no maintenance.   We are currently being asked for a rent increase from £40 to £100.   We might get it down to £80 but this still seems an exhorbitant amount.   I'd be delighted for any input as I try to put a persuasive letter together.  Chris

Hi sounds like they want the land for something else? no one increases that amount sorry Teresa

You'd think these guys have enough of the readies without that kind of hike (gulp! Hope I won't be sent off to the Tower  :-/)   Can't you check rents for local council plots to help your argument?

This year our rent went up from £40 to £50 - 25% rise.  Last year the Tories got back in charge of the council.  They have decided to "maximise income" from Leisure Services, so have removed OAP discounts on services, trebled fishing permit prices, sold the only bowling alley to a private gym and our allotment rent will rise from £50 to £100 - a 100% rise!  On top of that we will be charged an extra fee for use of water.  We get nothing extra for that - no site improvements, no security.  It's just a plan to put as many people off and  declare the site vacant and ready to be passed to their developer friends.

The council refuse to enter into any correspondence in the matter.  Some sites have put together petitions, got their MP involved.  There has yet to be any response.

We're still writing and intent to fight this even after the invoices arrive.

Thanks to all for your replies re rents.    I see we are not the only ones to suffer though we have been assured that the land is not down for any other use.   I wouldn't mind paying a bit for water but there is none laid on at our site - another bone of contention.   Looks like I may have to go straight to the top!   See you in the Tower.   Chris


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