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Check your heaters?

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 Around this time last year I mentioned that we were having the severest winter in a decade.In Tim's response he mentioned that whatever we get the UK will get 7-10 days later.  After having one of the mildest late autumns on record winter finally arrived this week. Boston, Massachusetts had it's coldest day, for the date, ever recorded yesterday (9/1). I woke up to a temperature of -25C this morning, with a high of -16C today. As I type this it is -18C, in one hours time the New England Patriots will be playing an American football game less than 100 miles away! While this air mass will moderate crossing the pond everyone who has a heated greenhouse might want to check their heaters as it seems you are probably going to get chilly soon.

Hello John, it`s about time we had some proper winter weather.  I`m tired of rain and grey skies!

As Sue said rain and more rain here but today has been beautiful here and its the first time this year the washing has been out on the line.
John so your in Boston so is dads sister we get weekly forcasts and its right it arrives here a week or so later not so bad as Boston but bad enought for us Brits hee hee.

Thanks for the warning, John,

No.2 (of 7) grandchildren was just out there (Cape Cod) and really ruined my day - LOBSTER BUTTIES?? - good God - they are £28 each over here!! = Tim

 Cape Cod in January, Tim? They must have had the whole place to themselves!
 Teresa, I'm in SE Vermont, about as close as you can get to God's own country while still being close to civilisation, not Boston. Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there!


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