General > The Shed

Longest keeping tomato?

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I've had this little golden tomato sitting on the kitchen window sill since Sept/Oct. It's not one of the pre-refrigeration storage varieties from southern Europe, just a cherry tomato.

After a certain point mid-winter I decided to let it be and see how long it could go; 7 months later and it looks mostly unchanged.. perhaps a slight wrinkle or two has appeared.

Anyone else inadvertently housed a tomato well beyond its expected lifespan?

('Ivory Tears' is the variety)

I've had them keep a couple of months, but not like yours! No way of course to tell what it tastes like till it's gone too bad to try....

I found one in the greenhouse recently from last year. Again a small cherry type. But I didn't taste it either!

I grew a variety from HSL... called Garden Peach (?) it was about twenty years ago... not a furry one (Red Peach) and it would "stand" well into January... off the vine. By March the fruit was full of emerging seedlings...
Apparently it was bred in the late 1920's early '30's before we started importing toms from abroad...

Deb P:
I remember Garden Peach, it was so sweet it was almost like eating a peach too! 😂


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