Produce > Edible Plants

Seed Saving Circle 2022

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I liked your Fox Cherry tomato and it was pretty good with blight, Penedesenca.

Ooh, I haven't grown fox cherry for years, got them from HSL and grew them for over a decade, then somehow "lost" my saved seeds. Not seen them in the HSL catalogue since.

Really pleased to have you joining in again, Penedesenca. I hope your growing goes well.
I can vouch for the White Queen tomatoes. I grew them in 2020 and they did very well and tasted good.

The Fox Cherry unfortunately was before my time, so I can’t help out there, Saddad. But how about joining the Circle for sharing similar goodies?!

One of the varieties I’m hoping to contribute to the seed circle is an onion.

In late 2020 I ordered a range offered by the Experimental Farm Network in US, called Storage Onion Grex. It had been developed by Wild Mountain Seeds and selected for size, hardiness and beauty as well as for storage potential. In 2021, the results were good in all respects. Many of the onions were reddish. So this spring I selected the best 15 from storage and planted them for a seed crop. So far so good - lots of promising buds. I’ve never replanted onions for a seed crop before, so I’m excited to see how these do.

Does anyone else have any particular projects for seed saving this year?

Congrats on the budding onions! A couple of the surviving potato onions, plus a few Ouddorpse Bruine shallots are on their way to flower. Would be nice if they crossed up a bit.

I'm saving seeds from 'Deventer', a big Dutch winter storage beetroot. The Abundant Bloomsdale spinach is bolting, but it'll be a first for saving spinach seeds and I'm not confident about producing a quality crop.
Gul Svensk swede has new shoots and should do well if I can keep the pollen beetles away. They really had a go at the Senposai flowers last season. Speaking of - I may do another round of Senposai selection this year to eliminate some of the hairy-leaved genetics. They're volunteering all over the place. Already had dinner from the ones that sprung up between the potatoes. :toothy10:
I'm hoping to cross some lettuces this year, if the bolting times align. Is the Bijou you provided a heading variety or loose-leaf?


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