Allotment Stuff > The Basics

glysophate free weedkiller

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Indeed, Nick. I think that says it all. There is a huge difference between dabbing a bit of gel on something tough and throwing it around like it's going out of fashion. Being out in the sun and living longer are almost certainly the biggest risk factors for most of us, certainly for cancers.

Thanks all, an informative thread which confirms my policy of using glyphosate very occasionally, sparingly and carefully on bindweed and the like which I've not been able to deal with by digging or mulching.

Tee Gee:
If and when I have to use a herbicide I tend to use Sodium Chlorate as it gives me more control over its application.

If I have a clump of pernicious weeds I want to get rid of! I place a pinch of the stuff into the crown of the offending plant/s

At least this method does not create the potential for 'overspray' as is possible from using a liquid herbicide.

However! It is an indiscriminate herbicide (kills every thing it touches) but at least it is systemic so treating individual plant is generally quite safe!

Sadly it is a banned substance meaning the public may have a problem getting some.

I got a bag about 25 years ago, and I still have around 1⁄2Kg left.

Good grief, how big was the bag?

Don't get it too hot, either - above 300C it decomposes into water and sodium chloride, and we all know how bad they are for us!

Tee Gee:
As I recall it was around 10kg


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