Author Topic: What tier are you in.  (Read 3177 times)


  • Hectare
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What tier are you in.
« on: October 16, 2020, 07:24:37 »
I am still in tier 10, avoiding everything that we were told when the virus hit. We are supposed to be one of the safest in the country but that might change any day now. All the old Saganauts are still coming down on their coaches for the cheap out of season holidays, mostly from high risk areas. I expect the hotel staff will get it but it  should not affect me. I still do not go to the pub, use public transport , shop only when necessary and keep two metres from every silent assassin. My favourite pastime of playing my squeezebox in a pub session is not allowed but I would not do it even if it was. I cannot see this thing ending for a long long time. Not much to look forwards to is it. 


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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2020, 08:13:00 »
It was always going to "end in tiers"!


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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 08:17:14 »
It was always going to "end in tiers"!

Brilliant Saddad!


  • Hectare
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2020, 10:10:11 »
No tiers here as we are colour coded instead.  Orange for us because infections among students and schoolkids have taken our level to 62 per 100,000.

Doesn't affect us much except for having to cancel next Monday's patchwork group because one has just tested positive so she's on 14 day lockdown and we're all on 7 days of vigilance for symptoms.   Other than that, just trips to the SM and garden shops for essential supplies.  Walks on the beach or in the local lanes with the dogs.

The only worry is that we have our daughter here and have to get her back to Namur in Belgium at some point as she has her masters to complete and I can't afford to do 2 weeks quarantine there.   Apart from commitments here including OH, dogs, cats and recently rescued hens, she has no garden for my sanity.
Obxx - Vendée France


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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2020, 11:56:26 »
But the tiers (tears) haven't ended, have they? There will be many more saddads and sadmums etc. before, hopefully, a safe vaccine is discovered and available to all.

After having one of the lowest infection rates in the country until the beginning of October the numbers have risen dramatically in Torbay and the first death since June was recorded yesterday.

I still go to my local supermarket once a week on my mobility scooter,  but it's scheduled to close soon as a larger branch has been built on the outskirts of town  -  too far for my scooter so once again I will have to rely on friends to shop for me.

Other than that, I stay sane by playing Scrabble online, reading ebooks and doing jigsaws, also online! TV is mostly replays, soaps or games shows - none of which interest me so I don't watch much TV!

Tricia  :wave:

Tee Gee

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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2020, 12:07:20 »
62 per 100,000

I hate this statistic it's a bit meaningless to me!

As I see it people die every day/week and the medical profession know this statistic!

For example; using the above stats;

What if the norm at this time of the year was say 25 deaths per 100k then as I see it; this would make the deaths attributable to the virus as 37 per 100k.

However, in my opinion; this is not sensational enough for those who want to scaremonger e.g. Politicians and the Media.

A statistic I could accept is; 37/25 per 100k.

Then there is the testing! It is fairly obvious to me that the more people who are checked the more cases they will find!

For all I know I could have the virus and testing is the only way we can I can get to know!

I can recall the time when the country tried to rid itself of TB! What did they do?

They initiated mobile testing units (not static ones like now)and I recall having an injection which told me if I had the antibodies to resist TB in my system. If the injection created a reaction then you were OK and it meant your bodies immune system was able to handle the disease. Those that didn't have a reaction were given a booster (presumably antibodies)

So the problem today as I see it is; Tracing!

e.g. Lots of people don't want to be found as this could be costly for them i.e. they would have to isolate meaning in most cases they couldn't work meaning their income stops!

Then there is the telephone call! If others are like me they will be inundated with 'nuisance calls' so if they do not recognise the number they just ignore the call meaning they can't be traced!

So they do not get the message that is needed.

OK it is a difficult situation for everyone choose who they are, particularly the so-called experts, because they are "often damned if they do and damned if they don't!"

Sorry for 'rabbiting on' particularly as what I have written is "an opinion" so I guess I may be "damned for giving it'  so my reason for doing so is;

It's something I can do "In Isolation"  without fetching a "Tier" to my eye! :protest: :crybaby2: :dontknow:


  • Hectare
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2020, 14:39:13 »
That's only 62 confirmed infections Tee Gee, not deaths or hospital admissions or numbers on ventilators.  It is meaningful only in that it shows the infection rate is increasing.  Only a couple of weeks ago it was in the low 30s here but there again I've no idea if they're doing more testing than before and so are bound to catch higher numbers.

As it is, the 2 week half term school holiday starts tonight and they've just announced that, as of tomorrow, masks must be worn at all time on all Vendée beaches even if you're alone and there's no-one else near.    Miles and miles of near empty beaches here away from the main holiday centres but I expect the bloody Parisians will be ignoring the recent restrictions and heading for the coast like they did at Easter and all summer.  Such thoughtful people.
Obxx - Vendée France


  • Hectare
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2020, 17:20:15 »
Here in Bucks we now have 87 cases per 100,000 people compared with the 22 cases per 100,000 last week, so it has quadrupled in eight days. However, I don't have any information on which age groups are affected.

In many ways the two key statistics are numbers who are hospitalised or who are in intensive care- those are the pressure points on the NHS. If the NHS can't provide adequate care to Covid patients, let alone other patients, then things definitely will get very much worse quickly. However, the media concentrate on cases and deaths without giving any context.

Keep safe which means as Ace will tell you take your own precautions.


  • Hectare
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2020, 22:52:22 »
(For Saddad):

The tiers of a clown!


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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2020, 09:21:48 »
I've just finished work in anticipation of moving away.
The restrictions and tiers make no sense to anyone working in schools.  When I left I was in a place with 1600 other people for 8-9 hours a day doing IT support - totally impossible to isolate yourself despite huge efforts by everyone.  At the end of the day I couldn't have a drink with the people in my office as there are 7 of us!  One of my mates oop north can work in the same building as other teachers but can't go pop over for a beer at home as they are in different tiers.
There have been several cases both recent and back in March..  One of our management team was hospitalised, another lost her husband (care home) and several others had minor symptoms and had to isolate.  Loads of cases among pupils but they seem to have declined recently.  I can't help but feel we have all been exposed to the virus in some way.
Recently I have been on a ferry to Spain and flights to and from Portugal, been to the pub a few times, had meals out, had mates over for a meal and led a fairly normal but much quieter version on my life.  I still take care to avoid others and I am isolated now anyway as I just got back form Portugal..

Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


  • Acre
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2020, 10:28:45 »
my other Arf is actually working on the coal face of PHE he cycles off to waterloo everyday - his task today is to close 76 cases, whilst dealing with what today brings. he's a Level 1 call handler and a Team Lead, which means he deals only with the complex cases.
 Tee gee is correct nobody wants to talk to them  and when a person is found, the amount of contacts they have had and who need to be found is can imagine how that scenario pans out.
 in short a large percentage of the population are not proceeding with any amount of caution what so ever. Track and trace works in  countries where they have martial law and everybody carries an identity card but here in the UK we have no fear of public authority.
it's a respirtory disease, there is no such thing as Covid Secure. i try to keep at least 2 meters away from people even if masks are being worn. We in London are now in Teir 2. which basicaaly means we cant go anywhere - alright by me i havent since March.
Norf London


  • Hectare
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2020, 08:36:08 »
I took time out yesterday to deal with a large delivery of manure... seemed so much easier to be able to deal with it rather than just keep listening to it!


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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2020, 08:26:49 »
I took time out yesterday to deal with a large delivery of manure... seemed so much easier to be able to deal with it rather than just keep listening to it!

It took a minute!


  • Hectare
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Re: What tier are you in.
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2020, 08:47:35 »
The manure took slightly longer!


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