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Perhaps I had never seen a wren up close before.  I thought they were brown.
But yesterday I saw one only a few inches away in full sunshine and it was lovely.  Almost golden spots and a flash of pale by the eyes.  It glistened in the sunshine.  Then gone.  So small.  I have two 1/2 plots on opposite site of the site, and have wrens on both.  And I have then nesting in the garden too, but they are very secretive.
And I have two robins.  They are very excited by my digging.   And Kes let me get remarkable close. 
All I need now is for the Jay to come back.

Plot 18:
I agree 'common brown bird' doesn't do them justice, does it?

They seem to get darker as they get older, judging by this years young'uns in the hedge.

I think that all our birds are beautiful if you study them. Makes my day to see them.

We have a blackbird at the moment who thinks its spring.  Lovely, complicated songs at dawn.  Don't remember them ever singing like this during winter.  And robins as well, they come so close, so tame!  Love the birds in the garden.   :sunny:

Thrushes seem to be in decline, I haven't seen any for some time, they keep the snail population in check. :coffee2:


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