Author Topic: strawberries and potatoes  (Read 2794 times)


  • Half Acre
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strawberries and potatoes
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:49:33 »
 I had read  some where strawberries should not be planted in the same bed where potatoes have been the previous year  ? I've moved my berries  and would like to plant potatoes in the old bed to help clean it up  Can I do this  this way round without any bad affects ?


  • Hectare
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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2017, 10:21:36 »

From Ken Muir guide, "Strawberries should not follow potatoes or tomatoes because both crops can infect the soil with verticillium
wilt, a disease that seriously affects the growth of, or kills strawberries. Potatoes left in the ground can also be
a problem and getting rid of them may interfere with the roots of the strawberry plants. "

Which is exactly what I was going to do!! I'll have to think again.

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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2017, 10:26:52 »
I didn't know this until a few years ago, all my new strawberries died :( It was only when I started looking for reasons why, that I found out about it.

I wouldn't follow strawbs with potatoes either, because you'd just risk increasing the disease load in the soil.


  • Half Acre
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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2017, 12:47:04 »
 Right that's confirmed it  I must find some thing else to  plant in their place   May be sweet corn 


  • Hectare
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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2017, 22:39:57 »
"I wouldn't follow strawbs with potatoes either, because you'd just risk increasing the disease load in the soil."

Surely that's only relevant if you may be planting strawberries or something else that might be susceptible there in the next few years?


  • Half Acre
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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2017, 09:24:49 »
 yes probably  In three + years the suggested minimum  time  allowed for crop rotation I am hoping to plant the same area up again with s,berries  I have a large old polytunnel frame covered with netting that's quite a struggle to move and would be near on impossible to move any further then the next bed  ,,What I've done last year i planted out a new strawberry bed  along side of my 4 year old strawberry bed each holds about 60 plants  (had 2 strawberry beds this year )  over the winter I am digging up old bed and was looking to plant potatoes to  help clear the ground  But thinking now it will be better if I kept potatoes completely away from that area and find  some thing else to plant there


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Раскрутка и п
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2017, 15:22:49 »
В первую очередность, я закончил быть классическим веб-мастером и отказался от сидения на тематических форумах. Перестал, к огорчению, новости собственный свой блог о seo. Очень тяжко было вынудить себя отрешиться от такого, чтоб строчить самому. Но строчить для профильных профессионалов на узеньком базаре - это дело, быстрее, неблагодарное. В установленный момент оказался в ситуации, когда ты являешься чуть ли не единым пишущим блогером в собственной теме, когда не с кем состязаться( а в России этот тренд уже был нисходящим). Было не любопытно.  Продвижение сайта   за 2 дня разрешено составить чрезвычайно неплохую статью. это не водяные статьи и тз нет нималейшего. нет какого мнения численности главных слов и остального. 
Позже я склеил блог с коллективным поддоменом по seo и принял заключение делать агентство gusarov. Перестал строчить для seo-специалистов, начал строчить более для покупателей. Наверное, это главные конфигурации с точки зрения бизнеса. А что сделал новейшего? Сделал агентство одним из фаворитов базара. С момента регистрации gusarov( 02.  Продвижение сайтов Пермь  есть отменная статья которая приуроченак какому или вопросу.  12. 2011) поменялось мое понимание проектов и, в принципе, только такого, чем я занимаюсь. Отказался от каких-либо серых тем, отказался от манимейкинга классического. Перешел более на сторону покупателей. Стал более времени уделять самостоятельному развитию с точки зрения исследования поведенческих моделей аудитории.  Перестал втемную догонять трафик, нацелился на конверсии.

Tee Gee

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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2017, 15:48:14 »


In the first order, I ended up being a classic webmaster and refused to sit on thematic forums.

Has ceased, unfortunately, the news of his own blog about seo.

It was very hard to force myself to abandon such that I had to scribble myself.
But scribbling for profile professionals in a narrow market is a matter, faster, ungrateful.

At a certain moment, I was in a situation where you are almost a single blogger writing in your own theme, when there is no one to compete with (and in Russia this trend was already downward).

It was not curious.

Promotion of the site in 2 days is allowed to make an extremely good article this is not a water article and there is not the least of it there is no opinion on the number of main words and the rest.

Later I glued the blog with a collective subdomain by seo and took the decision to do the gusarov agency.
He stopped scribbling for seo-specialists, began to scribble more for buyers.

Probably, these are the main configurations from the point of view of business.
And what did the newest?

He made the agency one of the favorites of the bazaar.
Since the registration of gusarov (02. Promotion of Perm sites there is an excellent article that is timed to any issue.)

I changed my understanding of the projects and, in principle, only what I do.

Refused any of the gray themes, abandoned the classical mimeikey.

Passed more to the side of buyers.

He began to devote more time to independent development in terms of researching behavioral models of the audience.

Has ceased to catch up in a dark way the traffic, was aimed on conversion.

I think this person has a website or a blog and is having problems with his host


  • Half Acre
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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2017, 17:24:12 »


  • Hectare
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Re: strawberries and potatoes
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2017, 17:46:34 »
I made this blunder a few years ago and started a strawberry bed on part of my plot where I had potatoes the year before. I was expecting a catastrophe, but it didn't happen. It has cropped well for two years, next year will be year three and after that I will be moving the strawberry bed to fresh ground anyway. Now I am not suggesting taking the risk, but if you do make a mistake don't immediately despair and dig up the bed. Wait and see. You may be lucky as I was.


Not mad, just out to mulch!


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