Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Product design student (Improving a spade)

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Solid forged 1 piece in Titanium with treads might be worth testing.Have seen ovaloid shaped instead of "D" handles on US websites, but never tried or seen in UK. Dont use a spade often, its No dig around here!

How about an 'air' spade so we can practise at home when nobody is looking.


--- Quote from: ACE on September 20, 2017, 10:32:31 ---How about an 'air' spade so we can practise at home when nobody is looking.

--- End quote ---

Haha love it!  Or maybe you could invent a virtual spade controller for the Nintendo Wii so we can all play that incredible new game 'Allotment Hero'

Tee Gee:
I think the others have covered most of what I would say.

But if that is not enough have a look here to see my thoughts on the matter:


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