Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Advice please on eviction from self-managed, council owned site

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Please can anyone here advise me on evictions. I have been in touch with the NAS but they are not much use frankly.

To cut a long story short, I complained in an email about my allotment committee after they spectacularly mishandled some works that had to be carried out on our site, during which my plot was entered illegally and damaged. I addressed the email to members of the committee, and council members who had also been involved in the dispute, and described the committee as dishonest and incompetent. I have evidence for both statements. I have not published my comments elsewhere, or otherwise publicised them. The committee instructed a solicitor to write to me demanding an apology and accusing me of defamation. I replied citing my evidence for my comments. Now however the committee have decided to pursue this through legal action, and they agreed at their meeting to increase plot rents in order to pay the legal fees. Well, it's up to them, I don't think they've got a case, but it's not in my view an acceptable way of using association subs.

In addition to this, the committee voted to expel me from the society. Now they cannot do this under the usual rules i.e. non-cultivation etc. It is entirely spitefully motivated as it will achieve nothing other than satisfaction for them. In their rule book it states that:

"A special general meeting may, by a vote of two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote, expel any member for conduct detrimental to the society, provided that a notice specifying the conduct for which it is intended to expel him is sent to him at his address entered in the register of members at least one calendar month prior to the date of the meeting."

There is nothing to say what evidence must be brought, what right of appeal I have, etc. But what I'm wondering is, does allotment law trump this rule book? Needless to say, I don't have funds for a solicitor. And I've no doubt they may well read this, but too bad.

Any advice/similar experience?

dont give up go to the local paper your mp your ward councilor this does seem wrong to me however cant really pass commit without out knowing both sides saying that you do have rights go to these people mentioned above and you have citizens advice please let me know how you get on

Thanks johhnyco15, I am not giving up and will let you know what develops.

There have been a number of cases over the years where people have fallen out with the committee and posted on A4A.  I would say this normally does not end well.

one of my mates says if you have legal cover on your car insurance you can use that for anything legal not sure how true that is however its worth a phone call


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