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Dulcie, not feeling himself

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I will have to get Jude around as she was wondrous in massaging the cats mouths open and the tablets would slide down like nothing........hope things get better for your Kitty


Poppy Mole:
Poor love, hope he feels better soon. xx

Went to the allotment and OH was in charge of cat, when I got back, hours later than I thought, lovely evening tonight.  Cat was upstairs, not allowed at present and was wet (had peed somewhere, hopefully not my bed). Not a good sign, but maybe. Luckily no smell of pee, but he was so upset disappeared.  Maybe local vet tomorrow.  But he came back to me after a few hours in the garden and sat on my lap, has taken his pills, and pleased I didn't buy an expensive bed when I got his prescriptive cat food, which he tolerates.  I was thinking we may have to have him put down tomorrow, if his brain has gone, but seemed OK tonight, so may ask the vet tomorrow.  Think I love that cat more than OH, don't tell him. Cardboard box seems to be going down well, but he will have to stay in the bathroom or kitchen, on the tiles, as I cannot have pee on the carpet or beds, even if it is not his fault. I am losing weight because of that cat, cause I can't eat when he is ill.

Sending you hugs xx

What a worry Borlotti.  Hope Dulcie will get over this. 


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