Dulcie, not feeling himself

Started by Borlotti, July 21, 2017, 23:01:47

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Dulcie got his photo in my knitting magazine again, and I gave it to the emergency vet tonight.  He did a wee(not the vet) in the living room, which is most unusual, been clean for 8 years but in a way good he is not blocked again, rather not on the carpet.  He has been sleeping in the bath, wash basin on the fridge/freezer.  Rang the vet and said he may have a temperature so is trying to get cool.  Got an appointment for tomorrow, but after OH seeing me crying in the garden, said get the emergency vet at Barnet. So he got the car out, no fish and chips tonight, in fact no dinner. Apparently Dulcie is not blocked as did a poo and wee in the car (don't suppose you want to know that) and is temperature was OK, so he is back home.  Only cost me £240. but at least I will sleep easy tonight.  NO MORE ANIMALS. He may have an infection, so is on tablets for 2 weeks and can only have the vets food.



Been there and done that one x 3 with the cats so I feel for you....never good to take our animals for their check up at the local
Dr Feelgood clinic....£££££££££££££££££££££....oh hang on ill add a few more.....£££££££££....yer that's more like it
......kerching..kerching.....as the till swallows your arm.........GazNjude are officially soft as sh*******t when it comes to animals as our recent events with George the Guest Guinea Fowl in anything to go by.......not even ours and I paid the RSPCA
for a cage to capture him in and fuel to take him to a pet clinic.......so hes gone and the bak step now sees a poorly magpie ive already called Maggy.....its not great with feathers ruffled but ive been feeding it....so what happens next with this bad weather
..I hope it goes in the green house and sits on the paper ive put in there with some seed.............see reading that for 60 seconds took your mind off your poorly pet.

hope all goes well...xxx



Oh dear!  I hope he is all right soon. 

It seems to cost an arm and a leg when taking an animal to a vets.  Mine charged me £165 last month when my cat William had a bad urinary infection.  He is better now though except that both cats now have fleas.  Fortunately, I was able to buy some Frontline from the internet and didn't have to pay vet prices for it!

The vet told me that William would benefit from taking Yurelieve supplements on a regular basis as this is the second time he has had a urine infection in 2 years.  Those from the vet cost me £23.22 for 30 but I got them online for less than £10.  They contain green lipped mussel and William loves the taste.  I have to empty the capsule onto a little of his food but he then woofs it down.


Have just ordered his Hills urinary stress food from Pets at home.  Now the fun of getting 2 pills a day down him. Vet gave him an injection last night, so think it is an urinary infection and not another blockage (thank heavens).  He has always been such a good clean cat and no trouble, but they can't tell you what is wrong, but I know as he just wants to be left alone and hide behind the fridge/freezer.  It is good that you can see an emergency vet at night as I hate to see animals suffer, but it is so expensive.


Dulcie on the fridge/freezer (not well) but did come and help with my knitting tonight, and took his pills. Result.

Duke Ellington

Have you seen the film " A STREET CAT NAMED BOB"? It's a lovely film 🙂🙂🙂
dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*


I'm glad he's feeling well enough again to be 'helpful'. Having an out-of-hours service is great and reassuring and prompt treatment can make a big difference, but yes the costs are savage!
Seed Circle site http://seedsaverscircle.org/
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania http://mostlytomatomania.blogspot.co.uk/


Yes I loved the film, Street Cat named Bob, and also got the book. Just off to the allotment to see if the rain has given me any beans for dinner tonight.


Borlotti, I can sometimes get a pill into one of my cats but if I have to give one on a daily basis, they know what is coming and and on subsequent days it is an almost impossible job.  Fortunately neither of them are on any pill medication at the moment apart from their worming tablets. 

I saw one of these pill dispensers on Youtube and have just ordered this one from EBay for future use.

It is very cheap so I hope it works!  On one of the Youtube videos that I watched, the pill was smeared with butter first and then put into the dispenser. 

I will let you know how I get on with it as you may want to buy one to help get the pills into Dulce. 


Pauline I have one of those dispensers after seeing a vet use one, I can sometimes manage it with Millie but will try with butter next time, might just help. thank you :)  She is an absolute devil if she knows she is going to be given a tablet or flea treatment!


Quote from: Tulipa on July 24, 2017, 13:04:00
Pauline I have one of those dispensers after seeing a vet use one, I can sometimes manage it with Millie but will try with butter next time, might just help. thank you :)  She is an absolute devil if she knows she is going to be given a tablet or flea treatment!

I also saw on Youtube that there were treats called "Pill Pockets".  The wraps the pill completely so the cat is fooled into thinking it is a treat.  Unfortunately, pill pockets are made in the USA and are therefore quite expensive to buy in this country given the postage that is added.

I used to have a cat called Kylie and found it very difficult to get pills down her.  I had to wrap her in a towel using it as a straight jacket and even with someone else helping, I used to get deep scratches down my arms which would bleed. 


Barnet vets gave me two pill pockets to try, and they were brilliant the first time.  But he soon decided not to eat them, after I had paid for some more, luckily they were not too expensive. But he is taking his pills hidden in his prescription cat food, but if he doesn't eat them give him some cat soup and he is OK with pills until 11pm tonight.  Photos to follow. Am trying to get my son to make him a cat box high up so he doesn't keep sleeping on the fridge/freezer, kitchen cupboards or behind the freezer.


Thought Dulcie had gone out in the storm on Saturday (after a bad evening at the emergency vet) so was searching the garden indoors for him, but OH said on Sunday I see a cat.  He his found another hiding place. Had to help him get down as he has never been up there. Spoke to the vet today and said it is a bad sign if they want to hide away.  Hopefully the pills will make him better, or another trip to the vet.


Lidl have some soft "cat chew sticks", 10 for 65p in 4 different flavours. My Pixel absolutely loves them but he doesn't get them often because he's at the top end of the weight range for his size and I'd like him a little bit slimmer.

Anyway I bet they'd be a great way to deliver small pills if you broke them into pieces and cut a little slit in the side.

I was reading that it's helpful to use three treats each time to stop them getting wise to the fact that the yummy treats have nasty pills and refusing them. The first treat is unadulterated, second has the medication, and the third is plain to take the taste away. I think Pix is too smart for that, but he's also extremely fond of food so who knows?

Hope Dulcie is starting to feel better, poor puss!


I will have to get Jude around as she was wondrous in massaging the cats mouths open and the tablets would slide down like nothing........hope things get better for your Kitty


Poppy Mole

Poor love, hope he feels better soon. xx


Went to the allotment and OH was in charge of cat, when I got back, hours later than I thought, lovely evening tonight.  Cat was upstairs, not allowed at present and was wet (had peed somewhere, hopefully not my bed). Not a good sign, but maybe. Luckily no smell of pee, but he was so upset disappeared.  Maybe local vet tomorrow.  But he came back to me after a few hours in the garden and sat on my lap, has taken his pills, and pleased I didn't buy an expensive bed when I got his prescriptive cat food, which he tolerates.  I was thinking we may have to have him put down tomorrow, if his brain has gone, but seemed OK tonight, so may ask the vet tomorrow.  Think I love that cat more than OH, don't tell him. Cardboard box seems to be going down well, but he will have to stay in the bathroom or kitchen, on the tiles, as I cannot have pee on the carpet or beds, even if it is not his fault. I am losing weight because of that cat, cause I can't eat when he is ill.



What a worry Borlotti.  Hope Dulcie will get over this. 

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