Author Topic: election lies  (Read 2463 times)


  • Hectare
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election lies
« on: June 06, 2017, 08:48:19 »
AAAAGGGGHHH. I know, I know you can claim sanctuary here but over on face ache people have gone mad churning out all sort of unbelievable bumph urging you to vote their way. I cannot believe that most of my 'friends' are dyed in the wool lefties, I have suspicions that they have been hacked, because most don't usually shout all that rubbish from the rooftops. I have already  voted by post, lets just say it was not for the current ruling party, I went with my own  convictions. Everybody should vote their own way based on what they believe, trouble is getting the correct facts is getting impossible, lying politicians are expected but the spiel being offered by Joe  Bloggs  is getting really out of hand and using the terrible atrocities we are experiencing  as a sounding board is just not on. Rant over, back to weeding.


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2017, 10:11:34 »
The most important thing drilled in to me when I was growing up was that it was wrong to lie, that telling the truth always came before any other matter of right or wrong.

I think the politicians we have are a disgrace, they do lie and twist things.  I think all we can do is attempt to see through the almost impenetrable veil of lies and noise and vote for what we believe in.

I am a dyed in the wool lefty!  But to be fair ... I always have been!  Sorry ACE


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2017, 16:33:56 »
Lefty here too, which should come as no surprise to anyone.

Plot 18

  • Acre
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Re: election lies
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2017, 18:01:54 »
It doesn't matter how you vote - left, right, middle or raving looney - as long as you do!
It was a real fight to get the right to vote for all men and women, a right I don't think we should neglect.

After all, if you don't vote you have no right to complain if you don't like the outcome, do you   :tongue3:


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2017, 19:06:55 »
It doesn't matter how you vote - left, right, middle or raving looney - as long as you do!

No it does not, if you don't want to vote then don't be bullied into it. There has been a lot of that going on especially against youngsters. It is also your right to refuse.


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2017, 19:41:03 »
Can't stand politicians, dont get me wrong,Ive met several big figures in my 65 years and honestly can say , they are'nt in it for me, or for you.
I work my plot for me. I don't expect you to do it for me. I don't want you to give me anything if it fails. If it fails for me ,its only my fault. If I can't make it work, then I go without.
I don't expect to work yours for you. I don't expect you to expect me to give you anything if you fail. If it fails for you, its not my fault. If you can't make it work for you, you go without.
 We all come to this life with the same tools. Why should anybody expect to be given a softer option.
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2017, 20:26:27 »

I work my plot for me. I don't expect you to do it for me. I don't want you to give me anything if it fails. If it fails for me ,its only my fault. If I can't make it work, then I go without.
I don't expect to work yours for you. I don't expect you to expect me to give you anything if you fail. If it fails for you, its not my fault. If you can't make it work for you, you go without.

This is so far removed from my experience of working an allotment I am astonished. Time after time after time, I have witnessed plot holders stepping in to help others when things go wrong. Doing a bit of digging for someone experiencing illness, being offered and offering surplus produce, finding a few spare plants for someone who has had germination trouble, everyone taking turns in the shop, offering unused items free in our recycling area, giving advice to new plot holders, hosting visits from local primary schools, a team of six old fellows righting a shed blown over by the spring storms,  changing the water when a hen keeper takes a few days holiday, the list just goes on and on.

None of the above are "expecting a soft option" I think they have just worked out that helping one another just means less chance of anyone having to go without.

Even putting aside all emotions like friendship and compassion, an "everyone goes it alone" approach to life simply doesn't work. We pay insurance premiums for fire insurance because collectively we can cover disasters that no individual could afford. It makes sense to give blood not for any immediate personal gain or gratification but because one day we might need a transfusion to save our own life and if we all participate it will be there when needed. Cooperation is simply more efficient.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 20:57:42 by Beersmith »
Not mad, just out to mulch!


  • Acre
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Re: election lies
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2017, 20:35:39 »
well our local Labour politician asked me if I was voting ukip today, god bless my Nigerian friend who slapped me on the bottom said "hello Babe" and howled with laughter when I told him I am not a ukip voter but if you will stand out side of a school where 26 out of a class of 31 children's parents come from somewhere else and are not registered to vote in this country then I will question why you are standing outside a school talking to 5 and 6 year olds giving them stickers and asking them to get Mummy and daddy to vote Labour. and you say you have local knowledge. I don't think so.
Norf London


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2017, 21:24:33 »
If we don't help people who are less able or unable to provide from themselves, we don't deserve to call ourselves a society.

My disability means I can't work a regular job. If it wasn't for financial support from others I'd be homeless and starve to death - disability isn't my fault, and I don't deserve to be punished for it just like people don't deserve to be punished for being a child or being elderly or being ill or escaping an abusive relationship or a war or whatever.


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2017, 21:54:43 »
Can't stand politicians, dont get me wrong,Ive met several big figures in my 65 years and honestly can say , they are'nt in it for me, or for you.
I work my plot for me. I don't expect you to do it for me. I don't want you to give me anything if it fails. If it fails for me ,its only my fault. If I can't make it work, then I go without.
I don't expect to work yours for you. I don't expect you to expect me to give you anything if you fail. If it fails for you, its not my fault. If you can't make it work for you, you go without.
 We all come to this life with the same tools. Why should anybody expect to be given a softer option.

I have to say that seems like a funny kind of allotment to me ... if the people round me had felt that way I probably would never have succeeded in my first couple of years and I'm currently helping some enthusiastic, but time poor friends who have just taken on a really overgrown plot near mine by spending half an hour a week or so cutting their brambles when I get the chance.  It benefits me in the long run as I can see they might be on the cusp of jacking it in because it seems so daunting and if they clear their plot then thats one less source of weed seeds to blow on my plot!

But the replies it has stimulated seem very out of keeping with this forum which I consider a bit of a sanctuary from all that sort of stuff.  Growing stuff is a deeply human activity which tends to bring out the best in people whereas politics on a national scale tends to bring out the very worst in people!  I hope it doesn't descend in to what it looks like doing.  I've found it hard to bite my lip once before here and was told in no uncertain terms that this wasn't the place for politics so I've stayed away from the subject ever since - and I think it's helped me enjoy my time on here.


  • Hectare
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Re: election lies
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2017, 06:24:41 »
So well said, beersmith and Squeezyjohn, and some others.  Allotments look like a perfect microcosm of society in general, don't they.  And most of all a place where individuals can help others who  for whatever reason are less able to succeed in this life, and share their passions and knowledge and enthusiasm, or  stay solitary if that is their need as well.
I agree, this forum should not be a place to rant about politics. 


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