Photo Gallery > Our Pets

Dead mouse

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My two boys have brought rats into the house and one was alive and ran by the dishwasher and disappeared.  A few days later I spotted it sitting cleaning itself on the tv unit in the lounge. 

Whenever my two bring in prey, they miaow so loudly until we come and praise them.  We take the prey from them and then give them a treat.  We are not so pleased though when they bring in a bird. When they were kittens, the pair of them bought a partridge in through the cat flap. 

Fortunately, they leave their prey on the floor but then they haven't been encouraged to jump up on the working surface as I shout at them on the odd occasion that I have found them up there.

So glad that I have rabbits :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino:


--- Quote from: pumpkinlover on March 16, 2017, 13:16:34 ---So glad that I have rabbits :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino: :icon_albino:

--- End quote ---

Me too! My bunnies never bring me dead things. ;)

And my cat isn't allowed outside (he's scared of other cats and attacks them to make them home away) so he doesn't bring me presents either. He does a fine job of killing bits of string and crocheted catnip balls and miniature feather boas on sticks though!


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