Allotment Stuff > Swap Shop

Horse Radish

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Was wondering about growing some of this next year at the end of my Globe Artichoke half row would be willing to swap a couple of dahlia tubers, large yellow and white, for a thong (of Horse Radish!!) from any A4A member. BTW, Happy New Year and good growing for 2016.

There are so many growing in grassy areas practically everywhere.  This is where ours came from.  Not sure whether commercial strains are better?

I did not get the original one out in one piece (and certainly did not want to leave a lot of evidence like a big hole), but it did not matter.  Grew just fine.  Digging it up now, it never comes out whole anyway and always regrows.  Just plant it where it can be undisturbed.  Once planted you will have it for life.  At the moment mine have lost all their leaves, but in spring they are really easy to spot in grassy areas.   :wave:

Unfortunately I have slung mine by accident when having a tidy up. However these will spread and grow very deep so just make sure you are not fussed about them upsetting the globe artichokes when dug up.

 I  have some thongs you could have  ,But don't need anything in return 

Mine was dug up from a neglected plot where it was growing like grass, and after about 8 years I have never had any problem with it spreading out of control. Was shocked to see average sized roots on sale the other day in a supermarket for £3.50 each!


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