These went in earlyish, but it really was a rough bit of ground, wet heavy clay. I really used the spot up with spuds just because of the old adage, 'potatoes clean the ground'. Well we all know that is not exactly true as it is us that clean the ground with planting, earthing up maintenance and a good digging when you lift the crop. The tops had started to die down, but I was worried that with all the blight on our site this year, the crop might be affected. I cut all the tops off, then decided I might as well lift them. Loads of tiddlers, but still a fair crop. The plotholder next door also had a scabby crop, but the potatoes I had planted in the dryer top half of the plot were lovely clean spuds even the few apache that I used to make up a row.
Well I ate some, really really starchy, if I water them down a bit and I will have some wallpaper paste.