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Withdrawl symptoms

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So the good news was that I got switched over to bt infinity at 8.45 this morning.  Wow that works fast. Five minutes later oh says no internet. Still not working.  Several frustrating calls to somewhere they think they are speaking English.  Actually whole area not working.  Not infinity just zero.  So that was a five minute wonder.  Can't people in call centres be taught to speak English.
Using my phone now.

Oh the wonderful BT Indian branch call centre. I unfortunatley don't have Infinity yet but from the begginning of the year have had problems with my phone and broadband. Many calls to various people who had an English name but were in India. After 3 engineer visits was eventaully sorted. However went on holiday for 12 days and came back to a dead landline. So frustrating as my mother who is in her 80's and 350 mile away could not contact me or I her. BT are rubbish.

Based in Sheffield.
(Not that I can understand a broad Sheffield accent!)

And owned by BT!

I was in the end transferred to technical help in Newcastle after a couple of bolshi Scots.
Now engineer coming Thursday.  I said I wanted to cancel infinity but that will take a week.
What a rubbish system they cut you off and will not turn up fort days to put it. back. Even offer to charge disconnection fee.  I seem to have proved that Infinity =zero

Yes I would change but I am addicted to FON.

If I could have plus net and FON then would go for it.

They keep telling me infinity is better. No internet does not seem an improvement to me


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