Produce > Chillies Ahoy

Padron Peppers

<< < (3/5) > >>

23 out of 24 happily germinated, 2nd batch going into propagator today.

Harvested 40 yesterday and did an impromptu Spanish Roulette at my local hostelry last night.
Put 2 plates on the bar, and thought I'd better have the first one, which I duly did.
Asked hoe they were, I confidently replied "Fine!", But it sounded like I'd been breathing Helium!!
Bluddy Hot!
Must get some fresh seed next year, I think I must have saved from a hot one, as they all turned out ring-stingers!!

They get hotter towards autumn, at least in my experience. We had some last night. I lost the power of speech for a good 5 minutes and OH got hiccups.

Why do this to yourselves!!? :glasses9:

Until this point they taste fantastic. Even my step daughter eats them. I'm not eating any of the others now.


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