Author Topic: Loss of our secretary  (Read 2883 times)


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Loss of our secretary
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:45:31 »

First time post.

I took over as the secretary of a site about 2 years ago. I have during this time managed to get most of the paperwork up to date. One major thing that became apparent was that there had been no accounting books kept fro the last 4 years or so with no detailed transactions just a few notes scribbled on the bank statements. After a lot of frustration I took it on myself to prepare as accurate accounts fro the last 4 years as the treasurer was very unwilling. I have never said or really thought there was anything  underhand going on just plain lack of understanding of what a treasurer's role involves. Previous AGM a balance sheet of sorts was presented, but when looking at them the numbers were all wrong. No one has ever challenged and just accepted them as true

At out last AGM the treasurer failed to produce any documents and duly resigned. No one immediately took on the role.

In the meantime I have been looking ofter the books. I am not a signatory on the account as we thought that was appropriate.
We have someone who is willing to take on the role, now that the accounts are in a fit state. I felt it unfair to take just pass the mess to a new person to sort out.

I have prepared a financial statement and put it on the notice board. I did have an accountant look at it first.

I guess my question is can we, as a committee vote this new person (a member of the Association) into the committee and then vote as new treasurer, without an EGM. This person did express an interest at the AGM but did not want to commit until found out more.

We have the old secretary moaning (sorry expressing his opinion) that we need an EGM. As I guess there is on all allotments everyone know everything about running a proper committee when in fact it is just how it has been in the past not how it should have been.

I like everything to be correct and above board as it should be, but this does not appeal to a few "old schoolers".

I have full backing from the committee and although they say just ignore him, he is a bad egg and for what ever reason tries to undo all the good work the committee does. However I want to make sure I am correct in what I say rather than fall into the "I know better" trap.

Sorry for the rant, but would love any input or advise.



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Re: Loss of our secretary
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2014, 11:53:09 »
On my previous allotment site, I was treasurer for about 5 years and did all the books in Microsoft Money.   Once I got used to it, it would produce reports automatically and would also keep records of bank transactions etc.   The chairman we had when the association started was a stickler for the correct way to do things and to vote in a committee member outside of the AGM would call an EGM and do it properly.   The past treasurer of your association should have had all the details of income and expenditure available for anyone to look at, at the very least.   I used to publish a copy of the balance sheet which summarised where the money came from or went.   This was at a time when there were no tablets and laptops were not widely used but now, any detailed information could be readily available should anyone wish to query any financial transaction.

Maybe the way to go forward without an EGM is to send members an e-mail or put a notice on the lottie site noticeboard giving a date when objections or comments must be submitted by.   I would suggest that an EGM would be the way to go then anyone sufficiently interested would attend and that would be the official way to do things and give all members the opportunity to vote for or against.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Loss of our secretary
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 16:19:53 »
The process of appointment of replacement officers, or indeed any committee member depends entirely on your constitution.  If you don't have a constitution, then you need one, and fast.

Any normal constitution should make it clear that you can appoint replacement members as and when needed on "holding" basis.  The purpose is to ensure the committee can function, which it cannot either if it is not quorate or if key officers are missing.

If the constitution says an EGM is needed then it is needed.  However if the constitution says that then, imo, it seems over the top bureaucracy for an allotment society, and I would personally be interested in rewriting the constitution to remove that need.

When I became chair, which was mid-year, I was appointed as interim chair.  The protections that were in place were:
- the remaining committee members appointed me
- subject to ratification at the AGM
- all plotholders were notified at the time of my appointment
- any plotholder thus had the opportunity to complain and perhaps even request an EGM. 

They didn't complain, and at the AGM I was properly voted in.  That, to my mind seems a sensible & pragmatic process and one that should happen for any officer.


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Re: Loss of our secretary
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2014, 09:08:31 »

Thank you both for your replies.

We do have a constitution and the  things I found is
4. An Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the members of the Organisation may be held at any time if called by the Management Committee or if at least twenty members of the Organisation ask the Management Committee to arrange such a meeting.
7.8 The Management Committee may appoint any other member of the Association as a Committee member to fill a vacancy, provided that the maximum prescribed is not exceeded.
7.15 If an officer requests to formally step-down from a role outside of an AGM (i.e. during the course of a year), a SGM shall be called at the earliest opportunity to elect a new officer.

I have put on the notice board a financial statement for last year. I am meeting with the potential treasurer on Saturday, if is happy the committee will co-op him in and then I will put up a notice stating the situation and that this person (who expressed and interest at the AGM is prepared to take on the role temporarily and if anyone has any objections or comments to this to let the committee know within 14 days from which point he will become the temporary treasurer until the next AGM.

I have had no formal written requests for an EGM just the usual "I have heard that .... said...." If I receive enough formal requests then of course we would hold an EGM, however if it is just a couple of people moaning for the sake of it and would continue to do so no matter what you do then we would be having an EGM every other week. The people I speak to on site are completely happy with how the committee is run and that we are all volunteers and do have work and life outside of the allotment.

It amazes me how awkward people can be for a small association of people who just want to grow stuff. I am a very open person and if anyone needs to know anything I will tell or show them after all it is not my Allotment it is everyones.

(dismount soap box)

Cheers again


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