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Printer & mouse stopped working.

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Much knashing of teeth as I can't work out why they've stopped working. Running win7, any ideas guys I've tried everything I know. Bought a new mouse - that didn't work. On a home wireless network with two laptops, and two printers. Can't print on OH printer from my puter. All networks indicate OK.
Appreciate some advise.     

I fixed a similar printing problem by making the printers each have a fixed ip address. (You do that by logging into the router). Then when you print to a printer you know which one it is going to and nothing changes when things are switch off and on in a different order.

If it was me, I would uninstall both printers, reboot the computer and install one printer and try to print.   If all is well, install the other printer and reboot then try and print to that one.

Thanks guys for your replies.
As an update, I have learned the dangers of using 'ccleaner'. For those who are not aware, NEVER USE THE REGISTRY CLEANER!!!
I have - over the years & I understand that it can rip some registry values that you need. If you don't back up you lose what you delete. As a self taught computer user I have found 'ccleaner' very useful. I learn the hard way.
The next step is to recover the use of the USB ports. I can use the 'recovery' values to return the win7 to factory status. Of course I will back up all files, reinstate all programs as & when.
Anything else I should look out for before I smack myself around the back of my head with a cricket bat?

Are they all wireless.   Try using a wire and plugging into a different usb port.  One of my usb slots has gone on strike.  I just deleted the printer and allowed it to find it once plug in. 


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