Author Topic: Is everyone ready for Christmas?  (Read 6778 times)


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Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:08:04 »
I am not, I am so behind with everything. 

The decorations and tree are still in the loft and presents still not wrapped.  OH is still in the middle of room alterations and the wooden flooring is due to be delivered this morning. 

I have everything laid out ready to cook mince pies and a chocolate roulade log but haven't felt well enough to do them.  I have had a Kenwood mixer with a blender attachment from OH for Christmas and that should make everything easier.  I haven't even put the marzipan on the cake, let alone iced it.

I have last minute grocery shopping to do early next week but haven't made a list yet.
We are having our main turkey meal Boxing Day as our son and grandchildren will be with us then.  We haven't decided what to eat Christmas day yet...maybe some fish.  We certainly don't want a roast two days running. 

I am very behind with everything this year but will probably get there in the end.  How are you all doing?  I don't suppose any of you are as disorganised as I am at the moment.  I am feeling a bit better today so had best get on with it.  Where do I start?  I think the Christmas cake is the most urgent.


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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 10:20:44 »
Pauline, don't worry, even if it all doesn't get done, Christmas is all about family and feelings, not the trimmings. Even if you eat beans on toast on Christmas day, that's enough. Even if no tree or decs this year, no problems, we've been getting ready for 3 weeks and every year, the mountain seems to get bigger. I've given over with the cake and pudding, Ray's diabetic and I'm always dieting.
Still got to buy fruit and finishing bits on monday, 9 for Christmas dinner so everyone is bringing something and Ray's doing the veggies . Not as grand as it was but we will eat, have a laugh and spend time with those we love the most.
Happy Christmas to you and yours x


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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 10:50:40 »
well im sort of getting there,as usual the kitchen was a Yo ho ho place to be whilst I prepped the Christmas Yule log.....Mum and Jude Luv the chocolate..........

Ill allow meself a small slice.... :tongue3:

Just wrapping the last of Judes bits,all small but fun things,our place is in turmoil due to the impending move
but weve squeezed a tree in and a few lights....job done.

Up tomorra morn to join the Christmas throng at the butchers,all the meats,then over to Richmond to the German deli as they do so many scrummy things ......god ill miss that shop when we move...sunday we are out for a family meal with Judes fam...then Monday were off to Norfolk for my nieces wedding of all things....then back home with the traffic early christmas eve morn.....please be nice to me M25.... :BangHead:.....

WOW you can put your foot on the brake and enjoy Christmas with Judy and mum at mums house one last time...Judy is finishing today so hurry home sweety,theres a large Brandy and lemonade waiting for you,...... :icon_cheers:



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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 11:51:19 »
I know why everybody buys their xmas. We decided it would be a home grown and home made xmas this year, Apart from meat which is still coming from a 'backyard farmer' everything else has been done. But what a sweat. Veggies frozen from the first pickings last summer, up to my eyes in wood shavings from making bird boxes and a few of my wire sculptures, A few toys were made as stocking fillers for the small grandchildren. Music lessons for the older ones, they can now play the harmonica for a few carols. Up the woods this weekend for greenery to dress the house. The YIPK has been crafting, knitting, sewing, cake making, sweet making and all the other things women do. We even made some wine from our own grapes. So just a bit of creative baking this weekend and we are done.

A nice break tonight for me as there is an irish music evening in the local pub and I have been asked to take the squeezebox and bodhran.


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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 14:24:13 »
Not quite, but the tree is finally up, and most of the presents are here.
I have the leg of lamb for Christmas Eve but haven't bought my bird yet, and I have not prepared anything in the way of food except the pudding. I don't make a Christmas cake but I will make a boozy boiled pumpkin fruitcake instead and I have home made mincemeat in the cupboard for mince pies. I am supposed to be making rabbit terrine but I haven't got a rabbit yet :-s 
Tomorrow will be frantic, I have to get my hair cut, get two last minute pressies, go to the supermarket for the groceries, and drinks, go to the wineshop for wine, go to the frozen food shop and hopefully get some frozen fruit and veg. I will go to the market Tuesday morning on the way to work for the fruit and veg. then will have to cook my butt off when I get home on Tuesday afternoon! Hopefully they will want to shut the building early and tell us all to bog off at about 4!
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


  • Hectare
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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2013, 14:43:49 »
Possum is now at university in Namur where her new friends have decided she's weird because we don't have our main feast on Xmas Eve.  I pointed out that Brits who observe the Christian Christmas are in Church on Xmas Eve at midnight mass or similar so can't be having their feast early.  Plus which, Brits get to feast for a whole day and then sleep it off on Boxing Day whereas the Belgians have to work all day Xmas Eve then cook a feast and eat it and then have to go back to work on Boxing Day.  Now who's weird?

Anyway, just the three of us for Xmas so we don't do a huge roast but have duck breast for our main course and scallops or scampi for starters which are already in the freezer from before the prices shot up for Xmas.   Xmas cake is a boozy Creole cake already made and I have the doings for mince pies.   Just need slad, veggies, eggs, cream and maybe smoked salmon and halibut and trout for other meals.    Might make a chicken terrine after seeing Michel Roux Jr do one on TV this week.  Looked very good.

Might make something wicked and chocolatey for pud but I have an organic one in the store cupboard for OH who insists on one.  He's also asked meo have a go at some fancy Belgian brioche type pancakes made with yeast and rum and raisins.

OH has done the outside lights and I have done the tree and most of the other decs but I have to keep replacing lower baubles on the tree as Bonzo Dog wags them off with his tail.  I have a final Xmas wreath to make before taking the big extension plank off the table and dressing it for the hols. 

We're going to the Xmas market in Leuven tomorrow unless the weather is foul.   Don't need anything but we like the festive atmosphere to get us in the mood.

I hope you all enjoy your festivities be they Christian, pagan or just an excuse for a family get together.
Obxx - Vendée France


  • Hectare
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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2013, 15:16:31 »
No,,,no where near ready and I don't think we will ever be...

I've been working on all manner of 'woolly' pressies  since summer..starting from proper 'raw' materials, wool straight out of sheep's back and gone through all different stages to turn it into colourful and wearable clothing. Its been fun but LOTS of work.
Last piece is short of couple of inches of knitting.
 I haven't been in shops to buy nothing yet... so this weekend I just HAVE TO dare and show my face in local shops.. :BangHead:
All fruit and veg I already have..all home grown.. :icon_cheers: Bit of booze and a bird into oven and we are good.. :icon_cheers:

Xmas is just another day for us...I just make one day effort of cooking little bit more 'extravagant' meal than normal and that's me done. If we would have more family together then I would do the 'whole lot' with trees and décor etc. But I just cannot be asked all the hassle for two of us. We 'do' our pressies and dinner in Xmas Eve...after that is just chilling out and sniffing other people cooking.
Xmas day I go with dog for our annual 'turkey walk'...that's long walk going all over the place and looking when people are unloading their cars from pressies when going visiting...and sniffing all the cooking smell that are drifting from every other house along the way.. :icon_cheers: I may pack something to eat and drink with me and we enjoy little snack somewhere...just me and my dog..(OH is working that day)



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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2013, 17:35:05 »
Pauline, please do not worry about Christmas, enjoy it with your loved ones it does not matter if you cannot do everything  enjoy your Christmas lunch & relax. I have had problems this year healthwise  & have done the minimum going to make mince pies tomorrow that's it. We are going to my daughters on Christmas day  & our youngest daughter we have got lunch with boxing day.
Happy Christmas to you xxx.


  • Hectare
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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2013, 09:34:37 »
Good to see that many of you are so organised.

I got the marzipan on the cake yesterday and made a dozen mince pies, a pastry case and a Bakewell tart.  The mince pies went very brown (at least there are no soggy bottoms here!) and as my Christmas cake looked a bit burnt when I cooked it last week, I am wondering if my oven thermostat is up the creek.  There are only 7 mince pies left now but I have some more pastry that I prepared yesterday, enough to make another dozen.  I will then have to hide them from OH and son or there won't be any left for when the rest of the family arrive!

Our flooring boards arrived yesterday and OH has almost finished the partition.  Once he has laid the floor, he has the skirting to put on, a bit of painting, then he can put on the wallpaper. Whether the room will be finished by Christmas I don't know.  At least if the floor is done we can use the room!

I'm off to wrap some presents now though they will have to stay in the bedroom because of the kittens.   

Merry Christmas everyone!



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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2013, 12:52:17 »
I am mega impressed by everyone preparations. 

I braved the supermarket and now have a turkey and a few trimmings and hope to get to the lottie for some veg between the rain.   Managed to be lucky with my timing - the store was not very busy.  But none of the special offer salmon advertised endlessly on the tv. :BangHead:   

I have two daughters coming so will have to make a bit of an effort with some decorations.   One loves pigs in blankets so she is very easy to please.   


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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2013, 13:05:48 »
Great pictures Gazza, hope you all have a lovely last Christmas there before your move to your new home :wave:

Not very organised here, though I have decorated a small tree and made a wreath this year. I've ordered pressies and things online, which has been a great help. Turkey is being delivered tomorrow and veggies I'll hopefully pick this weekend. I haven't managed any baking or cooking.

Good luck with your new flooring Pauline, don't worry it will all come together and be just lovely (even if it's not quite finished on time!)
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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2013, 22:31:51 »
Finally started (and finished :)) my gist shopping today, just need to wrap all the presents and I'm done!

Finish work on the 24th, so best get wrapping!



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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 23:37:25 »
 Hi Dan, :wave: have a great 1st Christmas as a married couple . ENJOY .

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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2013, 00:04:26 »
Thanks rosebud, been quite a year!

Have a great Christmas yourself:-)


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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2013, 14:47:32 »
Did all the shopping, just the market tomorrow morning for a few veg (got the BSprouts from the plot though yesterday, they look lovely!). Tonight must make the rabbit terrine for Christmas Day and get some mincepies done, might also whip up the yorkshire pud batter for tomorrow night. the kids and hubby are at home so I will draw up a list I think of odd jobs, they can already peel the spuds, prepare the runner beans, and set the table. We do french style, a meal on Christmas eve and another one, more British on the 25th, we are having roast lamb tomorrow night (a big treat as very expensive here) and a free range turkey for the 25th.
The last present arrived in the post this morning so I am set in the way of gifts too. Just have to stop the cat eating the decorations or knocking the Xmas tree flying!
2012 - Snow in February, non-stop rain till July. Blight and rot are rife. Thieving voles cause strife. But first runner beans and lots of greens. Follow an English allotment in urban France:


  • Hectare
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Re: Is everyone ready for Christmas?
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2013, 15:28:56 »
I was knocking shops doors this morning...early bird and all that...and got all last bits of shopping done by 10am :icon_cheers:
Now it can rain, snow or what ever and I don't need to venture out..other than those few bits of veg from lottie. :icon_cheers:
Pressie round is done and everybody has got their share..we've got ours too... :icon_cheers:
Our 'surrogate' 2nd dog is coming to stay over Christmas for few we've got company... :icon_cheers: Good thing that I've got BIG turkey this year if we are having another 'hound' to 'demand' its share.. :icon_cheers:
Little bit of housework to be done today and tomorrow is THE BIG COOKING DAY.. :icon_cheers:

Antipodes...don't French tend to eat much lamb then? Is the price high because it is 'specialty' meat and not in regular consumption? Or what..?


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