Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Allotment Committees

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West Lancashire, whose website has just had some kind of best council website award, obviously no one was looking for an allotment!

I envy you all - I was told by the council last week that because I live "outside the area", I cannot have an allotment...  :'( :(

So I will have to do with my tiny garden... Never mind.

If I wanted an allotment I would push til I got one.  There are loads which are empty and the council can't be a r s e d to go and look so just say there are none available and you can either put up with it or go out and pick yourself one. Then go to the council and say "look, this one is empty, I want it"  Or just resign yourself to not getting one.  I know which I would choose  ;D ;D


--- Quote from: Shoyu on March 19, 2005, 00:24:47 ---West Lancashire, whose website has just had some kind of best council website award, obviously no one was looking for an allotment!

--- End quote ---

what part of West lancashire are you in.
I am in Preston and you can get information on allotments from the Parks Department of the council.

Pm me if you want


Our allotment committee bloke told some of us up the plots yesterday that there were no plots available.  This was as a tractor was ploughing up and down over literally acres of them, hedge rows gone, the lot!  This is not just one part of the site either, they've done it on about four parts because there have been so few takers.  I do think though that we ought to be able to reclaim one or two from the total being ploughed up if people are waiting.  Isn;t that the whole point of allotments?

The areas being ploughed up are for food production apparently.  I bet it will be mono culture with acres of cabbages!


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