Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Allotment Committees

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Thanks for your encouragment Moonbells.  We are self-managed and our site is on private land, not really suitable for house building  purposes fortunately.  I think the local authority is the custodian for the private owner but no council tax, I believe is used to support it.  The committee argues that a lot of our members are not computer literate, but I think certain elements in the committee are fearful of computers and that may be part of the problem, although I am not talking about aged men here.  I think they are just stuck in their ways and not prepared to try anything new.   

  We do have a growing number of new younger people and family oriented people coming onto the Site, and I think woman have become the largest proportions on our waiting list and the number of e-mail addresses now noted must prove that quite a few have internet access.  The men with the power though can't see any need to promote ourselves and can't imagine  why we would want a web page.  I was looked at as if I was mad and deranged.  I think they are afraid of losing some sort of privacy if we are open to public scrutiny.

Wondered if I could do an unofficial one though.  Don't know the legality of that.  ??? busy_lizzie

What a bunch of miserable wet blankets they are!

I don't think there's any reason why you couldn't have a web site of your lottie and just happen to mention where it is...  That way you also have the freedom to do whatever you want with it and what you think will work.  You could let some of the others know about the site when it's up and running so they can see how good it is.

Of course, you'd also have to pay for it yourself - don't know if that's a problem for you.

Best of luck with it.  Don't let the b******s get you down!


I think for some association blokes and lotty holders there is no world beyond their plots so they don't really want people coming in and upsetting things and coercing them into getting involved in the wider community. All they want's a quiet life  :)

The website is a great idea. I'm finding it so hard to find local allotments on the web. The council website come up with no matches. There is reference to a local horticultural society but no website or contact details. Methinks I'm going to have to do it the old fashioned way and look in the phone book!


--- Quote from: Shoyu on March 17, 2005, 23:39:09 ---The website is a great idea. I'm finding it so hard to find local allotments on the web. The council website come up with no matches. There is reference to a local horticultural society but no website or contact details. Methinks I'm going to have to do it the old fashioned way and look in the phone book!

--- End quote ---

What area are you in, roughly? I'm sure that someone here would be local to you and able to tell you about plots!



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