Author Topic: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)  (Read 186648 times)


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #340 on: January 04, 2009, 23:46:59 »
 ::) :-[ ;D THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sharing your thoughts. John.J.R.P. :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #341 on: January 20, 2009, 00:35:03 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL, for those who are interested in the way I grow things not in the ground, but done by using waste plastic containers and wood to help reduce them going to landfill sites in the UK and the rest of the world, I'm doing a presentation of my reuse of waste ideas on a small scale to show every one who comes to our first TRA Meeting held at St Peters Church - Woolwich SE18 this Saturday the 24-1-2009. I'm doing this because someone might come who wants to start a simple school gardening project or just use my idea to grow something themselves, if they have not got a garden, or they may know someone living in another country who may want to grow their own food to eat.
The main aim of the event is to give an exciting opportunity for Tenant and Residents Groups to showcase successes, network with other groups and share best practice.
The event I hope will inspire groups, give ideas, and give a first hand look at what other have achieved, but more importantly... How they did it, or How they are going to do it.
In terms of the stalls on the day various groups have shown a keen interest, and have signed up for the day. There will be stalls for Partner agencies and groups/ individuals with a vested interest in Community related matters. For Example.
SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAM - Will be there to support and get involved in local Communities in a positive way.
NOISE TEAM - Will be there to discuss how to effectively deal with noise related issues.
YOUTH TEAM - Will be there to discuss youth opportunities on ESTATES.
FAMILY FORUM - Will be there offering support and running activities for parents with children under five in local Communities.
TENANCY SERVICES - Will be there to discuss tenancy related matters and how the team can get involved and support Community groups.
AGE CONCERN - Will be there to discuss all their programs and activities for the over 55's and how to help reduce isolation.
NEIGHBOURHOOD PRIDE -  Will be there to discuss and show practical examles of how the ideology of  'PRIDE'  can be ensiled back into the local Community.
CARE PARTNERSHIP - Mr Matthew Wing will be there to discuss real opportunities to be a part of sport, to be coached and develop the skill to coach themselves, for FREE.
GRANT STALL -  Will be there to present a range of different grants that can be applied for as a Community  Group.
TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES - Will be there for Tenants and Residents to catch a glimpse of the various training opportunities available and sign up for future training courses.
WASTE SERVICES - Will be there to explain the various methods of waste disposal and to answer any questions.
GAS SERVICES - Mr Graham Saunders will be there to discuss any Gas related matters.
BOROUGH WIDE HOUSING PANEL / DIVERSITY REVIEW BOARD - Chair Gary Wells and Tejinder will be there to discuss the BWHP and DRB and answer any questions. COMMUNITY GROUPS - will be there representing whats going on in their COMMUNITY, various Tenant & Resident Groups run regular activities, some being more common than others. However, showcasing a sample of these activities may inspire others to incorporate them into their groups. Sample activities will run through-out the day in the activities are. They will include: LINE DANCING or SALSA, THAI CHI, BINGO - with prizes, INDOOR CURLING.
Refreshments will be provided on the day in the form of hot and cold finger food, juice and tea & coffee FREE OF CHARGE.
MAIN EVENT: 24th January 2009 from 10am - 2pm. ST PETERS CHURCH, WOOLWICH NEW ROAD, WOOLWICH, SE18. ( Opposite Peggy Middleton House ).
For more info contact Lee Christie on 0208 921 5149 or e-mail
I hope to see you there, may you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John Pendergast SE9. JRP ( Recycling ). designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #342 on: January 20, 2009, 01:45:50 »
Sorry JRP, I wont be making it, I plan to wash my hair that weekend - using recycled water.

When Santa's about, just hoe-hoe-hoe


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #343 on: January 20, 2009, 09:34:38 »
sounds like a great community networking day out, hope it all goes well :)


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #344 on: January 20, 2009, 10:07:58 »
Sorry, can't make it John.
I have made a start with recycling the milk bottles for 24 strawberry plants and have another 24 to go in, i have two plants in each of the 6pint bottles.
Do you think this is ok or just one plant?



  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #345 on: January 21, 2009, 00:35:25 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL, thank you very much for showing your interest in what I'm doing.
nilly 71 it's great to hear you are giving it a go, YES I've got 2 strawberry plants in my 6 pinters, and some of them are still trying grow me strawberries at this moment in time sown over 10 years ago, and I've got some white petiols to prove it, ok they are green and some of the big ones are going brown where they should be going red, which I've taken some photos of and filmed to with some snow and ice on their leaves, proving to me Mother nature will try to grow most things in my system in all weathers without me doing a thing, apart from seeing they are ok. I will look forward to you telling me how many you have eaten.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP.  ;D
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 00:39:09 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #346 on: January 26, 2009, 22:31:23 »
 ;D  ::) Hi ALL what a great day it was meeting so many people who had gathered together under one roof to talk about things that went on in their Communities, which they all wanted to share with other Communities. There was at least 30 different groups of people all having a great time talking to each other, and enjoying each other company in a atmusphere of taking part in something new, which I'm please to say that I took part in as well, as just an ordinary member of the public who had something to add to the days newness.
We had a surprise visit from our Mayor of Greenwich Steve Offord who was very impressed with what was going on, and he took the time to stop and talk to most of the people who were there, and we had the local press visited too, who I'm pleased to say found like lots of other people said that my presentation of growing things was of interest to them too..
There were so many people who said that they would help me to spread the word after seeing with their own eyes, what I had grown, and the way I grow things in such a very simple way they felt that they must get involved, I'm now pleased to say that I've now been invited to go to other Communites where they are starting up their own Community gardens projects, and they want me to help them to set up my system of growing things in waste plastic containers so that the young and old can grow things in a fun way for next to nothing, in their gardens or Communities. On the day from about 9am  until about 3pm I don't think I stopped talking to people who are doing their own bit in their own way, just like our own C.T.R.A. members who took part in providing some music along with some bingo when the break periods were called, and they showed films and talked to others about what they did on our Coldharbour Estate too, ending up with a invite to do the same thing on another estate in the future.
All in all I would recommend to any community group try and the same thing no matter where they live.
For more info on how to get things sorted out why not contact Mr Lee Christie, at I'm sure it won't be a waste of your time. Thank you.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy John. J.R.P. (recycling) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #347 on: January 28, 2009, 00:52:04 »
 ;D Hi ALL, they say it's good to talk, and I can prove it. On saturday the 24-1-2009 I spoke to our Greenwich waste service team, who were at our new Community meeting held in St Peters Church Woolwich SE18. With an end result being today the 26-1-2009 we had our small Black Top Wheelie Bins delivered to those who had filled in the form for one last year. Which was the main reason I spoke to the lady about, as I was told that they were on order, but she said she could not say when we would get them. I did say to her that I had already contacted the head of waste services, and he said the same thing, but to day after talking to her on saturday I got a suprise, our Coldharbour estate Community SE9 in Greenwich got their small ones, with the larger ones to follow soon.
OK we have got to find a space for them, but doing away with seeing so many black plastic sacks or bags all over the place ripped apart by foxes or rats or cats must be a good thing at the end of the day. That's why I said it's good to talk if I helped speed things up, if I didn't then at least I had my say about trying to do my bit for the environment on behalf of others.. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P. (recycling)  ;D designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #348 on: January 28, 2009, 09:43:58 »
Result ;D


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #349 on: February 01, 2009, 23:54:19 »
 ;D  ::) Hi ALL, for those who may be interested in the way I grow things, I could be on SKY 2  as they are showing the programme Secret Life of Suburbia again at 4-30am on most days, my topic was ( Gardening ). I'm also hoping to be in our local  News paper too, along with others after having our first big Community meeting held on the 24-1-2009.
If there are any photos of the day I will try and put them on my website now I've got some more room to put things on. I was going to contact Hugh Fearnley - Whittingstall after watching his programme all about chickens, because it also did say that he was looking for people with different ways of growing things for his next programme in the spring, but I can't find his e-mail address to ask him if mine was any good or not for him to show. There is a website but at this moment you can only post comments on it. Today the 1-2-2009 they forecast SNOW  and at 5-30pm we got it,  where are the gritters didn't anyone tell them because there's not a lot moving and it's still falling while I'm writing.
Lets hope it will stop soon otherwise the country will come to a standstill even though we knew the snow was coming, puting prices up again whether we like or not, if it don't.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P.  :(
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 00:33:53 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #350 on: February 15, 2009, 04:27:55 »
 ;D ::) Hi All, for those who are interested, I'm in the Greenwich Times this week dated the 10 Feb 2009.
And I've added some more photos to my website as you click on down my menue to go with it.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (Recycling). designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #351 on: February 22, 2009, 01:02:07 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL, I thought I let you know I was in the Greenwich Times dated the 10-2-2009 issue 37 page 7, and I've also been involved in another Community gardening project, which is in Abbeywood and it is supported by our Greenwich Council, and is run by the local Community Neighburhood Pride Team of helpers. If you visit my website JRP recycling I've put some photos on it about lots of things and some info too, just click on down my menue and you will come across my new Neighburhood Pride project 4, for example in Abbeywood which is on going.
Plus we now have our very own Coldharbour allotment website, run by our young allotment plot site representative phil, and his wife Dee. if you too wanted to start up your very own allotment plot site, website like us, we could maybe talk to each other about things, why not visit ours if it helps, it's as it's new and has just started with me putting my the first posting on it to do with helping to reducing some of our waste going to lanfill sites. John. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #352 on: March 01, 2009, 17:53:19 »
 ;D ::) Hi All, today I added some more photos covering my NEW Community garden project (4) and growing Rhubarb and Polyanthus for the first time using my simple system.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy.John.J.R.P.  ;D designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #353 on: March 03, 2009, 21:47:38 »
 ;D ::) Hi All, this is our New allotment website in SE9. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #354 on: March 09, 2009, 01:29:17 »
 ;D ::) :-[ Hi ALL again, I was only in the Greenwich Times again on the 24-2-2009 all thanks to a lady who I met called Jakki Gillett, who thought my growing system was worth writing to them about, as she had tried it out and it had worked for her. So she thought she would take the time to help spread the word, in doing so she only won the STAR LETTER on page 4 issue number 39, which I've put a copy of on my website as a press cutting to say thank you, which I will do again if someone else does the same thing. If only there were more people like Jakki who would help to spread the word, I would be a very happy man.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 02:22:24 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #355 on: March 09, 2009, 20:23:39 »
Many Congrats JR 8) I can see why you're so excited to have your growing methods extolled in the press 8)...however, unfortunately, I can't see the letter which Jakki wrote, even when I tried to enlarge it :-\

Any chance you can reproduce it here?

Kindest Regards,



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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #356 on: March 10, 2009, 00:27:11 »
 ;D ::) :-[ Hi Hyacinth, thank you for showing your interest in the way I grow things, I'm sorry if you and others can't read the letter Jakki wrote on my website,  :( I will see what my wife can do to help me sort this out in some way.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.J.R.P.  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #357 on: March 12, 2009, 14:48:17 »
;D ::) :-[ Hi Hyacinth, thank you for showing your interest in the way I grow things, I'm sorry if you and others can't read the letter Jakki wrote on my website,  :( I will see what my wife can do to help me sort this out in some way.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.J.R.P.  :)

  ;D  ::)  :-[ Hi Hyacinth, I sorry for not replying sooner, at this moment all we can suggest is that when you click on my photos they come up larger, but we found if you right click on it again below it you can zoom in or out, and move it about without changing anything on my website its self. At this moment we are not sure how to put things onto other websites apart from writing, but I'm sure someone out there will tell us how to do it in a very simple way please to help solve this PROBLEM, as I'm in the process of putting new photos on my website, to add to all my others in the way of a update of what I'm doing to help spread the word. John.J.R.P.  :) designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #358 on: March 17, 2009, 00:26:57 »
 ;D ::) Hi ALL, today I've added some more photos to my website to do with my New 4th Community Garden Project in stages, and what I intend to grow, and of what I'm growing right now with the help of Mother Nature, which you might like to take a look at if your interested in gardening or growing your own, or Reusing, Recycling some of our waste.  :)
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P. (recycling). designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #359 on: March 17, 2009, 20:36:18 »
Hello JR...thanks for the advice on how to zoom in and out, I'll have a play around. Cheers!


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