Author Topic: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)  (Read 196044 times)


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2005, 23:52:02 »
Hello again,another month has gone by and still no one has used my idea to help the poor.
I tried to get a answer why not form Penny Poyzer on the environment forum website the other day,as people claim she is the Queen of recycling,but I got no reply because of one thing and another.
May be after Christmas when I've been on TV again some one will help me,until then I will have to just keep on asking new people who don't know me to take a look at my website,in the hope it might be of interset to them,in the way of being a different way of re-using waste plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets to be of benefit,instead of going into lanfill sites.
God bless George Best a legend in his own life time.
May you,all live long and happy. John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2005, 23:54:57 »
May I put forward my own ideas on how I would help those who need a roof over their head,a place to live or just a dry place to sleep. Done by re-using failed M.O.T. vehicles.
Nearly every where people need a place or a base to live,whilst millions of us are OK there are lots of people who aren't young and old,who face each day in a different way compared to most of us. With this in mind may I suggest a way that I believe would help many people for next to nothing. For example for those who need a permanent base of some kind who do have a problem what ever it is,but they still get money from some where,so they get by.
I believe if you become a member of anything you feel involved,which gives you a reason to do things whether it's good or bad. Of course we can all turn our backs on other peoples problems,but we are the first to moan if the weather is to hot or to cold or raining,plus all the other aches and pains which we can't do anything about,but when it comes to simply giving someone a roof over their heads then we can,but we are talking about spending lots of money.
My way would cost next to nothing if used,like most things I try to get others to use.but I'm a no body. Plus there all types of people who are paid to solve these problems every day who go home to a base with a roof on it.
What I would like is for someone to designate a area,a space for lots of cars and vans to be parked up which could be used as a base for someone to live in,with a very low electrical power supply system laid on,enough to supply a light or to charge a battery,to help keep any running cost down to those who may use my idea. Whilst a traveler's site caters for caravans and vehicles which move,and they usually have toilets and water laid on,I would like the designated area to have the same thing,with CCTV and wardens to watch over those who respect what's being done for them. These people would have their own key to their vehicle base,and a must agreement signed,which will give them a post number for their base. There should be no money involved in paying for this service once in place,as I'm sure it would cost more to help the homeless in any other way. Plus the fact if the area was needed,all the vehicles could be scrapped to be recycled or moved to another place.
If you think about what a car alone can offer with the engine and gearbox taken out,you have that space for what ever with it filled in at the bottom,plus you have the petol tank taken out and the exhaust system too,leaving you with just the hand brake,to keep the vehicle in place. Also with the two front seats turned round and the steering wheel removed would give you a bigger area all round inside,the boot area can be got at from the inside or out,if it's a four door car even better for ventilation with wind up and down windows,which most of the old cars have,plus it's easyer to get in and out. With the help of hook and eyes curtains can be fixed up to give some privacy. The wheels can be used to have line post tied to them through the air flow spaces. The glove box can be used,like the ash trays,hand rails can be used,the back shelfs and dash board top can be used too. With one of the front seats out could use that space for some sort of cooking area with the carpet removed of course. The front seat usally reclines enough to sleep in,the back seat can be used to sleep on,all the doors can be locked from the inside or outside. In the hot weather the 4 post line can have a sheet of some sort laid across the area to shade the car,or in wet weather.
Sleeping bags would be supplied along with a fire extinguisher,water would be supplied through a simple hose system from one main tap on site,hot water could be run through the cars heating system in the same way,all the vehicles could be linked up by using the same system,with the same space as you would have in a normal car park layout. I can't think of anything else I would need to make my car livable for 1 or 2 people. John. JRP.

Ps, I'm glad I'm not homeless at Christmas aren't you,as being without a place to live in,and the chance to bring up a family must really hurt,or just a place to say,this is where you will find me,and what I own. I know most of us would say that most of the homeless bring it on themselves,but it still must hurt at Christmas as we were all children once,no matter where we live. I would like to wish every one young and old a Happy Christmas,and I hope a Happy New Year 2006 too. John. JRP.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 23:05:06 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2005, 22:37:54 »
why not build them a house from pallets??  :o ;D

surly though, all we are doing would be to create places that are unfit for people to live in, where bugs and disease could grow and live much easier. so this inturn would lead to deaths etc etc etc.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2005, 22:39:36 »
wouldnt it be much easier and more effective, much mroe effective to simply get peopel together and get on your councils back about recycling??? 

Why go to all these extremes?


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2005, 15:44:54 »

i agree that there is a serious issue in britain with the number of homeless people and it is brought to the forefront of our minds this time of year

however there are numerous issues relating to the homeless which is much more than providing a roof

and so your idea of solely providing a roof would be ineffective especially in the long term

the majority of homeless people have been through a traumatic experience to be where they are and so will need support and guidance to integrate them back into society
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 22:47:46 by sammyd »


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2005, 18:10:11 »
well said Sammy.  i have also seen a fact about homeless people often dont stay homeless for very long, often they leave home due to a few problems but very soon realise that their problems are better faced tan hiding down a cold back alley in a city centre.   theres very few who are actually homelss for months.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2005, 23:34:05 »
I've just seen on TV today 19-12-2005,a great idea to use old double deckers to help the homeless. The only trouble is we only have a few of them,plus every one is on top of each other,and the buses must have cost a lot of money to convert too,but at least they have used my idea in a different way,even though my idea would have cost next to nothing.
With a designated parking space we can now get more homeless in the same space as 2 cars,like a block of flats,well done to the person who got their idea used,it must have been someone who is into re-using things like me and many others.
Power to the people who are doing their bit. John. JRP.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 09:44:46 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #67 on: December 20, 2005, 23:16:30 »

 May I put forward another new idea of mine,and that is to re-use old rags or shredded fabric materials to cover the ground surface.
Whilst I've been talking to a lot of people about the re-use of my waste transportable water recycling system. I'm about to start my own trials on covering my seeds in my containers with old clean rags to see if I can save even more water than I already do now to grow my crops in the UK.
I'm sure it will work like all my other ideas do,because it will act like bark chippings,compost,or black screen material to stop the weeds,and to protect the roots,even though where it does come in contact with the damp surface it will absorb some water,but water finds it's own level,so if the lower part is dryer in my containers it will draw down what water is in the fabric material. So when it rains water full into the materials which will absorb it until it can't hold no more,for then to drip into my lower compost section to help feed my crop,it will also help if my top area of my compost is dry from being blown about in strong winds,even though I always leave about a inch so I can put another upside down clear bottomless bottle inside it.
To make my fabric material look more like some sort of compost,or manure,I'm going to soak it in brown muddy water first.
If my material covering idea works OK, I can see allotment plots all over the world looking like as if some one has just dug over the surface with or without any crops already growing in it all the year round.
If the fabric materials were dug into the soil,I can see it being much more easier for those who have heavy soil to dig over,which I don't have a problem with as I grow nothing in the ground it's self. Of course if there is a problem with re-using old rag materials I'm sure some one will tell me before I start my trials next year,or next week,it will all depends on what type of old clothes I've got to throw away. May I wish you all have a Merry Christmas and I hope a Happy New Year too. John JRP.
Message from J.R.P. Recycling, please visit my website as it was
designed by me to help to save millions of lives
and to reuse-recycle millions of tonnes of waste
plastic container,and unwanted wooden pallets
too. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2005, 23:47:57 »
ive seen this before,  you sure its new??  o yes, its called weed surpressant membrane, has been around for a while, stops sun getting to soil, traps water, one way sytem kinda things, works better than rags,

 so actually john it isnt your idea. its simply your cheaper way of doing things.

i also cant see where i would get rags from to cover my allotments, which isnt that big!   let alone one thats an acre!!

plus to me john, coming from a geography point of view, arnt you just storing water in the UK, stopping it infiltrating the surface and causing the water cycle to be messed about with, which is what causes problems with water!!

JRP, i dont understand half of your ideas or the benefits of them to anyone and i have said this many times. but some people seem to udnerstand some dont, so ok,  but i think your ideas are slowly becoming more and more obscure, every thread seems to be focusing around your worl domination and gettin on the TV, i think this is becoming more of what name can you make for yourself than anything else. only my view though.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2005, 20:16:22 by adam04 »

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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #69 on: December 21, 2005, 16:17:19 »
Adam, give the guy a break, he posts here for public opinion on his ideas, with the best intentions. Feedback is not useful as sarcastic or personal remarks.
So post something helpful- constructive criticism, or dont post anything at all. Maybe when youre as old as jrp you might want to help people rather than insult them.
And no, you dont know everything, rags are biodegradable and mighty cheaper than spending all your pocket money on weed sheet- with more pioneers like jrp here putting forward ideas to reuse sustainable resources, and less know it alls like yourself, it might just become industrially practicable.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #70 on: December 21, 2005, 17:36:29 »
I have been reticent to post in this thread, as I felt I had little to contribute, but in view of the apparent polarisation that is developing, I have some points to add.

First, irrespective of the effectiveness of JRP's ideas, his approach has to be commended, on at least two counts. The first is that his systems do not appear to be adding to the carbon debt, and I appreciate that may only be an illusion, as hidden features make upset the calculations. The second, and to me, more important, is that JRP appears to be thinking 'outside the box', which is where great ideas come from, and without that approach, we would still be in the middle ages ...

Adam is entitled to his opinions, and in the interests of good debate, should be allowed to express them, but I would suggest that it is necessary to remember respect for allies and opponents, and choose responses accordingly.

Thank you

Derekthefox :D


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #71 on: December 22, 2005, 20:12:07 »
i have always been against his ideas,  but i dont see why i cant be, i come up with ideas why they i am against them, if i idnt then that would be different but i do

i was against JRP when he first came to the beeb and i was against his ideas then, as were many people,infcat i think i can recall a few of his threads being withdrawn by the mods as thye were too much like publicity.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #72 on: December 22, 2005, 22:26:00 »
was aimed at return of the mac's comment on that i shouldnt give him a hard time about his ideas.   

The point of this post is to wardy what the point on the thread before was about as it didnt have a point..... wow am confused :D


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #73 on: December 22, 2005, 22:36:49 »

ive jus read through this whole post and now understand that jrp was talking from a recycling perspective in relation to creating housin

i have been working with homeless people for many years and so my opinion was based solely on the bigger picture


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #74 on: December 23, 2005, 09:07:09 »
John is a well meaning character, but you'll find that he posts these sort of things on a number of forums and it always follows the same pattern....i.e. I'm saving lives in Africa, My ideas are amazing, and if you don't agree then you don't understand them. I have followed these posts on a number of these forums and people are usually polite and ask questions challenging these ideas, but John will never respond to these questions, he will simply post the same old 'I'm saving lives' mantra. He doesn't seem to understand what a forum is ie. discussing and debating issues. He uses forums to promote his website and that is that.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #75 on: December 23, 2005, 09:15:39 »
Thank you Ice, that certainly helps me to try and understand whats going on here a little bit better ...



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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #76 on: December 23, 2005, 18:04:39 »
yes ice, thanks for that,  that also backs up my point better.

as i said JRP was on the beeb, he first came with his ideas and mostly people were against his ideas. he posted a reply to a couple of them trying to give reasons why it was better to cover your lottie with pallets rather than using the sil and recycling the pallets.  then he simply came back again to try and promote what he was doing.

John, im sorry, but i think you were a novelty item for the TV and now that novelty has worn off.

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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #77 on: December 23, 2005, 18:16:15 »
Theres nothing wrong with criticising ideas, but if its sarcastic, personal or just mean then that isnt criticising an idea, but the ideas creator. I left the beeb boards because they had downright mean comments there- moderators only cared if there was a commercial message or swear word, insults and personal remarks could go ignored as long as they didnt have a url or bad words in them. I saw comments about jrp that i would have removed if i was moderating that forum, but they were left.
And at first i didnt see much sense in johns ideas, but if it were applied on arid nutrient low soils (like africa) then his system is like low cost hydroponics, in a country where water can be like gold dust, then that is something VERY significant.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #78 on: December 23, 2005, 18:33:40 »
yes Mac,

Firstly the beeb boards have to be complained about to get attention, thats how they are ran.

Secondly, yes johns idea maybe would work on poor soils but in the UK, we are blessed with good soil, so why watse it,  john wants people over here to do what he has done and this just seems a waste.  Also, i could never understand where Africans would get milk cartons from??  i mean shipping them over and the cost of it would cost much mroe than simply educating the people and the damages to the environment would also be worse.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #79 on: December 23, 2005, 23:31:56 »
Hi every one,I've just sat and read the comments from all of you,and this is my reply. Whilst of course I would like to save millions of lives for next to nothing using my ideas,but I can't do it on my own,that's why I've put my message on other forums too. I need help to get my ideas used to help mainly the poor in the third world,and in a flood or drought situation to help to feed people who can't grow things because of these problems.
Whilst I can't say I've traveled around the world,and had first hand knowledge of what I'm talking about. I can say that I have grown things to eat using my very simple to make transportable recycling system,with very Little gardening knowledge myself. So what I'm saying is,if I can grow things any one can who dose know how to grow things would get a far better end result using my ideas.
All I've done is to design a system that works,which cost next to nothing to make,because it's all made from waste plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets,which there is no other system in the world can match,made for FREE,which would help to reduce some of our waste going into landfill sites,in the UK and in the rest of the world too.
I'm doing my bit in my own way to try and help others who are worse off than I am,is that so wrong when we throw so much away every day which could be re-used in some way.
Which I did presume others would also be interested in doing too. But as I've been  told presumption can be a dangers thing,and I have no right to expect others to help me. Which is true,but if I don't ask for help then I won't get any,help that is.
For those who keep on saying I'm not answering the questions put to me,if they take the time to visit my website and read some of my pages which are all about,what,and how I'm doing things,I would take the time to answer them,even though I'm not very good with words.
Whilst there are people out there who do read what I have to say,and then move on,there are some people who must go through life living a very sad life,who only seem to get enjoyment from putting other people down. IN MY OPINION.
There are also people out there who are trying my ideas in their own way,which is great to hear,there are also people who are waiting to see how far I get with my ideas before deciding,which is also great to hear too,at least they have shown some interest in the way I do things.
I'm not trying to be famous,but any publicity on TV or a website must help me better than talking to just a few,who may or may not like my ideas.
But in order to do this,as I've  also been told I must come in from the wilderness,if I want other to help me. Which I think is a shame,as I've got to change my way of life so that I fit in with every one else if I want to succeed.
Whilst I've also put forward other ideas of mine on other forum,at least I'm doing some thing to help other,not just talking rubbish,about rubbish.
May I wish you all and yours a Happy Christmas,and I hope a Happy New Year 2006 too. Power to the people who are doing their bit. John. JRP.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 23:40:02 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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