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Has anyone tried a rain gutter system on the allotment?

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I've been fascinated by the YouTube channel of a guy in America called Larry Hall who has invented a self-watering system called the rain gutter system.  He explains how to make it in a video here

I'm not normally one to go for complicated solutions when sticking it in a well kept bit of ground will do just as well - but the reason I'm excited by this is that there are some things that it's just better to grow in a polytunnel or greenhouse.  And if this system works like he says it does and can be made to use a rainwater tank rather than mains - it should be possible to make a truly self-watering greenhouse that doesn't require daily watering in the summer.

It also looks like something similar could be achieved for very little money with a bit of judicious skip-diving and recycling.

Anyone tried it?

Doesn't seem like anyone has tried his! wish I had time, maybe next year.....

I've not tried it, looks good though. I'll perhaps try something along those lines for some tomatoes next year. Cheers  :happy7:

I've started to get together the necessary items to make something like this - but not in time for this years growing I'm afraid.  I may try it at home first where we have a mains water supply.

On the allotment it will be much harder as we only have the rainwater we can collect ourselves (or dig our own well!).  It might be workable with simply gravity fed rainwater - but of course once your supply dries up you'd have a load of plants with big thirsty root systems that would just keel over and die.

I'm starting to have doubts whether it is workable as my 1000l water container is nearly empty now after just watering in seeds and seedlings and almost a month without any real rain.


Looks very interesting thanks for the information


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