Produce > Drink ....


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I have just bottled up my sloe gin from 2011 and it is superb.  I didn't take the sloes out until yesterday when I was filtering it and I tasted one or two of them.  They were rather nice.  Has anyone ever used these left-over sloes in a Christmas cake or pudding?  I put mine in the compost bin but am wondering whether I could have used them. 

I have also been thinking about making orange gin and would be grateful for a feedback on the likely end result.  Will it be a bit like Cointreau or Grand Marnier?

louise stella:
Silly you !!!!  THey go perfect in cakes - or a nice crumble!

....or sit down front of telly with bowl of NICE ice cream and pile lot of the sloes on top of it.
You will soon get through them...find youself enjoying the boring repeats  :icon_cheers:

Now that you remimded me...I've got bottle of that stuff tucked away as well..and its made 2010..and the damsons are still in!

Duke Ellington:
Orange gin takes about three years to mature because you use the peel only.
I haven't made it myself but I am thinking of making rhubarb gin or vodka next year.

Duke :wave:

It's threads like this one that make me wish I could have an occasional tipple :drunken_smilie:.


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