Author Topic: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies  (Read 30113 times)


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Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« on: June 07, 2012, 18:29:01 »
Thanks for letting us on the forum  :)

we're really looking for advice/help/support if it is possible please?

we've been on a council allotment waiting list for nearly 3 years and in that time, we have gone from #22 in the list to - wait for it - #47 (No typo!!)

..thats as a result of kicking up a fuss we think. The trouble is that there are so many empty plots (30% are untended - ppl moving, losing interest or dying) and the council just wont release. The land isnt up for sale or anything, they are just so lazy and incompetent. It borders a public park and it looks a disgrace. there is no allotment commitee.

We've decided to make a very big fuss now (in stages) and have decided to be very firm about our commitment to an allotment.

We've set up a blog which is going to chart our progress and if we dont have any success then we are going to name and shame via the press and via our MP and - of course - via the blog.

Its so upsetting that it is necessary. Does anyone have any tips or advice please - to help us?

Please visit our blog also and leave a comment of encouragement. It would be very much appreciated.  ;D

Tania and Roy
read about our exploits (and other allotment-related stuff) on our blog at

Duke Ellington

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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 18:47:56 »
Welcome to A4A :) Tanya and Roy

Do you have a link to your blog?

dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*

Ellen K

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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 18:49:11 »
We feel your pain.

I took on a plot from a guy who had been kicked off for non cultivation and the people above me on the waiting list had turned it down.  It took A LOT of old-lady-hours to clear it.

In summary, my advice is to give the new guy at the council a chance and support him any way you can rather than vent your obvious and well justified frustration on your blog.  

You did ask  :) :)


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 18:49:25 »
Hello, and welcome to A4A.

There doesn't appear to be a link to the blog that you mention!
Flighty's plot,,  is my blog.

I support the Gardening with Disabilities Trust,

Ellen K

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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 18:51:14 »
^^ click on the username, profile contains the link.


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 18:54:53 »
I found the link in the profile (pushing up daisies..)
Welcome Tanya and Roy.
I think perhaps the new guy is following the lengthy procedure of letters ,which he's probably required to do.I think they have to give something like 28days for response.I'm sure someone here will give correct information.
Plots left unworked are a pet hate,we have them on our site despite being self managed.There is a perfectly good system to remove tenants but they have to have the will to do it .
sanity is overated

Ellen K

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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 18:56:04 »
Actually, I do think the council owe you an explanation as to why you have dropped down the waiting list.

But sometimes you have to forget the past and work with an old enemy to move forward.

Welcome to the forum BTW  :)


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 18:58:53 »
Same old story. Unworked plots sitting there while folks are eagerly waiting to get stuck in. This is just my opinion but I think that the proceedure for evicting folks that don't work their plots is very outdated and needs re thinking.
At the moment it can take up to 12 months to evict someone who isn't cultivating their plot and if they start to dig a little patch then they get to keep it and the process starts all over again
On our site the Allotment Secretary regularly sends out emails and puts up notices asking folks if they are having difficulties working there plot and do they want to downsize rather than give up the whole plot.
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2012, 20:13:47 »
thank you all so much for a lovely welcome and some great advice.

Of course we know that there is a 'new broom' in charge and we must give him a chance. Actually it's all looking very upbeat at the moment. While we've missed any chance of growing now it will be good to get a plot and get it into shape for next year.

The blog is an insurance policy at this stage as its very important to have photographic evidence  ;D but we're really looking forward to turning it into our history - which will be so rewarding in itself.

Tanya is Russian and her family have had allotments all her life (dacha in Russian). We're looking forward to trying Russian cucumbers. We do grow in our little seaside garden but there's not enough sunlight to grow veg.. but we do try and try every year.

lasagne gardening - done correctly is our interest. We have all of the materials lined up and access to lots of horse manure, etc and of course - seaweed (with permission to collect) :-)

Quietly confident of making a new (untended) plot - very successful
read about our exploits (and other allotment-related stuff) on our blog at


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2012, 20:34:32 »
I do hope you get your plot soon.  It is so frustrating to have untended plots.  There are a number of threads on here from people who have waited ages only to find their allocated plot has not been worked for years. 

It is even annoying for other plot holders because of the weed blowing seeds about the place. 

Welcome to A4A.


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2012, 21:01:36 »
It may be worth getting in touch with the Allotment Regeneration Iniatative. If there is anew guy at the council they may be able to help and advise him and yourselves on how best to move things forward and  welcome!


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2012, 21:15:27 »
If there is one in life that people who have responsibility want it is to get rid of some of it.
Have a walk around the site and approach people who have cultivated plots and find out if the are intrested in forming a self governing allotment association if you get people intrested then organise a meeting and elect a committee.
Once you have a committee have a meeting and make a constitution and a set of rules (plenty of members on here will contribute their allotment rules) for you to work from.
Organize a meeting with the council chappie and give him the committies proposal which will be to be a self governed site that will allocate allotments from a waiting list maintained by you. You will be responsible for the collection of rents and payment of rent to the council. ensure that plots are cultivated and maintained and evict non cultivated plot tenants.
Let the council know that you mean business and you may get what you want, more so if it means less work for him.
BUT be warned as some will tell you including me it can be very frustrating and there can be more downs than ups. You have to be prepared to take the flack from where ever it comes from and deal with it.

I wish you every success
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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2012, 22:00:57 »
you could always say stuff the council and advertise locally. see if theres an elderly person or a busy person thats not got the time or the energy to tend there own garden. They might let you look after it in exchange for some veggies maybe.
Or Hugh whittingstalls land share?

I know what you mean tho, its the politics of the way they organise it all. And what it could be if it were run properly, and how lovely and tidy the area would be if it were managed and tended to.

Good luck x


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2012, 22:04:04 »
If there is one in life that people who have responsibility want it is to get rid of some of it.
Have a walk around the site and approach people who have cultivated plots and find out if the are intrested in forming a self governing allotment association if you get people intrested then organise a meeting and elect a committee.
Once you have a committee have a meeting and make a constitution and a set of rules (plenty of members on here will contribute their allotment rules) for you to work from.
Organize a meeting with the council chappie and give him the committies proposal which will be to be a self governed site that will allocate allotments from a waiting list maintained by you. You will be responsible for the collection of rents and payment of rent to the council. ensure that plots are cultivated and maintained and evict non cultivated plot tenants.
Let the council know that you mean business and you may get what you want, more so if it means less work for him.
BUT be warned as some will tell you including me it can be very frustrating and there can be more downs than ups. You have to be prepared to take the flack from where ever it comes from and deal with it.

I wish you every success

I agree with Davy!

It is hard work though and you have to be prepared for that. It is very easy to say 'chuck people off', but it isn't actually very easy to ask people to leave if they don't want to go. You also find that many people take on plots with little or no experience and really need to support to help them succeed. Our site is in a pretty good state we don't have any long term uncultivated plots, but it has taken a long time to get to that point.


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2012, 23:20:18 »
self managing is great but of course you need to be an established plotholder in order to even begin,chicken and egg situation! as someone else said,I would be very concerned as to why you appear to have slid way down the waiting list,as a priority
when the going gets tough,the tough go digging

Aden Roller

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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2012, 00:57:26 »
I wish you luck in gaining a plot Esplanade.

Be persistent, keep smiling, maybe make an appointment to see the new guy on the block... chat and make friends if you can whist thanking him for his time gently ask the questions you want answers to....

I'm sure you know all of this... so excuse me suggesting the obvious but I always find I can more closely achieve what I want by using the personal approach with a smile, determination, understanding and (when I can) a few solid facts.....beginning with the confusion over your place on the waiting list....

Hopefully a compromise can be achieved which results in you moved back up the list and kept informed of any changes.

Unfortunately some people in offices behind desks tend to lose track of what happens in the big wide world outside.....remind them gently of how you feel and how disappointed and confused the situation is making you.

Good luck.  ;)


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2012, 07:36:57 »
I wish you luck in gaining a plot Esplanade.

Be persistent, keep smiling, maybe make an appointment to see the new guy on the block... chat and make friends if you can whist thanking him for his time gently ask the questions you want answers to....

I'm sure you know all of this... so excuse me suggesting the obvious but I always find I can more closely achieve what I want by using the personal approach with a smile, determination, understanding and (when I can) a few solid facts.....beginning with the confusion over your place on the waiting list....

Hopefully a compromise can be achieved which results in you moved back up the list and kept informed of any changes.

Unfortunately some people in offices behind desks tend to lose track of what happens in the big wide world outside.....remind them gently of how you feel and how disappointed and confused the situation is making you.

Good luck.  ;)
You are such a gentleman.. ;) ;D ..and I have to agree with you, gentle approach will work better to get your 'foot inside the door'. If you show too much 'force' in early stages, somebody may take offence and just for spite of it move you down even further down the list.. ::)


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2012, 08:27:42 »
Yes!  Go with Goodlife's suggestion-you can usually achieve more by being polite and friendly than by going in all guns firing!


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2012, 14:29:48 »
If there is one in life that people who have responsibility want it is to get rid of some of it.
Have a walk around the site and approach people who have cultivated plots and find out if the are intrested in forming a self governing allotment association if you get people intrested then organise a meeting and elect a committee.
Once you have a committee have a meeting and make a constitution and a set of rules (plenty of members on here will contribute their allotment rules) for you to work from.
Organize a meeting with the council chappie and give him the committies proposal which will be to be a self governed site that will allocate allotments from a waiting list maintained by you. You will be responsible for the collection of rents and payment of rent to the council. ensure that plots are cultivated and maintained and evict non cultivated plot tenants.
Let the council know that you mean business and you may get what you want, more so if it means less work for him.
BUT be warned as some will tell you including me it can be very frustrating and there can be more downs than ups. You have to be prepared to take the flack from where ever it comes from and deal with it.

I wish you every success

thats a very interesting concept which you've described.. based of course - as was mentioned later - that we could actually get a plot ourselves before we could do this

are there any instances that you know of, where this has happened. It would certainly ease the pain for the council. It might be best to suggest it in the first place in case it wasnt possible?
read about our exploits (and other allotment-related stuff) on our blog at


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Re: Hello to everyone from 2 very frustrated newbies
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2012, 14:37:55 »
Yes!  Go with Goodlife's suggestion-you can usually achieve more by being polite and friendly than by going in all guns firing!

thank you. Yes of course.. gently for the moment until...

31st July is the last entry date for the best kept allotment competition (which is not being run by the council). That seems to be a very sensible day to launch plan 'B' and to enter that competition with one of the overgrown plots and to call in the press..

we're just over the water from you, the water being the Tees  ;)
read about our exploits (and other allotment-related stuff) on our blog at


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