Produce > Drink ....

Which are the best wine corks?

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Just for anyone looking...
I use mostly plastic re-useable corks...theyre no fuss do the same job (if not better) and are cheap as chips.....
I suppose if you want to 'show' your wine , then you need to cork it with the real thing, but is there a reason to do that from the off?....for shows you could always choose your wine,bottle and remove the plastic one and cork up for the bench....who is to know..
I have lots of bottles which have been under plastic corks for several years with NO problems at all, though most of my wine gets drunk fairly quickly...I keep a 200 bottle cellar of the stuff so I do know whereof I speak!

I always use 'favourite' corks, pick them up on Ebay for a couple of quid. Never had any trouble.


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