:),.........i really love my walk in,..greenhouse,...i'me dis-abled,...need my motorbility schooter,..now,..to get up the road to my allotment,..but,..as i live in a flat,..but have,..in the communal garden,...(that no one uses),...a walk-in-greenhouse.....+ cold-frame,...+ a water-butt,....the greenhouse,..was quite expensive,...well over £100,...needed,...& woz built& set-up,...by a mate,...with the use,...of all he's marbles,...as i have M.S,...& coqnetive problems,..it is sorted,..with a good watering system,...am planning to start off many differant crops,...for the plot,...& intend,...to grow toms,...green peppers,....melons,...so,..as it seems so far,...vandle proof,...find my-self,..expecting it to last,..a bit longer,..than just a year or 8) 2..hoping,...to get a few seed-trays,...sown,...& in there,..over the next few days,...woz planting spuds,...on me plot today,...till i got a bit too cold,..as it rained quite badly ;D