Produce > Ponds 'n' Stuff

Frogs, have you

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I'll let you know if tomorrow as it's just turned dark now, plus, it's raining slightly - hurrah! :blob7: (not for too long, though, just enough to wet the ground a bit, then go away till I've planted my spuds out at the w/e!) :blob7:

will i get anymore spawn if this lot's dead?

There are now several long threads of toad spawn in my pond - compensation for the disappearance of the frog spawn  :icon_cheers:.They are placed where I am almost sure the greedy fish can't get at them. Now the weather is warming up a tad I shall start to feed the fish again so they don't go looking for nourishment near the toad spawn  :happy7:.


Yesterday we heard the Eastern Toad for the first time this year. As soon as the temps get warm they start up and it has been around 80 degrees F+ two days in a row (in USA). Also heard one bullfrog out back. Ah, the sounds of springtime!

I hope nothing eats your spawn.

Our frogs have woken up too  :icon_cheers: Last couple of days there has been some chesty males making loud and deep calls for females...almost work for me too :icon_cheers:


--- Quote from: goodlife on April 12, 2013, 06:54:21 ---Last couple of days there has been some chesty males making loud and deep calls for females...almost work for me too :icon_cheers:

--- End quote ---
:toothy10:  Whatever turns you on!


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