The Show > Pumpkin 'tastic

A4A Giant Pumpkin Contest 2011

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Nice blog Steve and a good weight for your pumpkin  :)


--- Quote from: Dandytown on October 19, 2011, 09:09:38 ---Nice blog Steve and a good weight for your pumpkin  :)

--- End quote ---

Thank you and thank you! Setting myself a target of 400lbs for next year (realistic) and aiming/hoping for 500lb plus (possibly unrealistic).


pete JB:
Hey, Any comp reselts yet ??????
I got prizes to give !


Nigel B:
Mine ended up at all of 65lbs.  :-[

I gave it to our local girls morris-dancing troupe for their Halloween 'do', where they held a guess-the-weight competition with it, and the winner won the pumpkin to carve as they wished.
Although I wasn't there, I was told it went down a treat and was back on display, carved and lit up, within two hours!

Apologies for not producing a results page yet, i have limited access at the moment but will do my best.  All a bit anti-climatic


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