Author Topic: Pigs Tails  (Read 3240 times)


  • Hectare
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Pigs Tails
« on: June 04, 2011, 20:29:03 »
They are my latest discovery whilst trying to find ways of feeding the dog on nourishing things which do not cost a fortune, other than tins of god knows what.. which sound good.

It started off when I found I could get Ox hearts weighing in at over 4lb for less than £2. That started a lot of people recalling their impoverished youth when they had wonderful mothers who would make lots of meals from an Ox heart, stuffed and roasted.

I went on to Pig's trotters but was unimpressed. Yes they did provide jelly and the dog does love his food in solid jelly but the fuss and mess of cooking the trotters was not worth it.

NOW there are pigs tails. They make a good solid jelly too there is a decent amount of meat on them and they are 25p each.

I now reckon that by stewing four slowly in the SLOW COOKER,

Taking them out and stripping the meat from them

Then adding a 500 gramme pack of 75p 'cooking bacon' from Morrisons to the stock and cooking that in the slow cooker too.  I could get several ramakins of pork and ham in jelly to serve with a salad for a very small cost.

Meanwhile the dog is in heaven and wont eat anything else.

It could become a new  food fad like 'buffalo wings' or lamb shanks.  

So try it now before they go up in price. LOL
« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 20:33:32 by PurpleHeather »


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 20:52:38 »
A very informative article....something for me to consider with my dog.Just a bit curious about the bacon though.Isnt it a bit salty?
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  • Acre
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2011, 20:22:42 »
my dad buys i think oxes hearts and whatever horrible looking offal he buys from the Meat Market at Birmingham for the dog. It's v. off-putting to discover when i've been asked to find so and so in their chest freezer to find these hugh-monguss looking things sitting .... not nice! i'll ask ask about the pig's tails. i can't imagine much meat on them, tho'. my parents' make pig's trotters (v. cheap from the market too, and they cut them into pieces for you as well, unlike 'nomal' butcher shops) in black vinegar. a traditional chinese dish to strengthen blood in your body (think it was served to new mothers to regain their strength)


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2011, 20:40:59 »
Sorry to have been less than clear here.The bacon is intended for the human use of jellied pork and ham.

Our dog gets the jellied pork 

The butcher sells iffy off cuts of meat .

Nothing I would want to eat but it is fit for humans

I want my dog to eat healthy too.

The purpose of the post was that there are cuts of meat, which make tasty cuts we can all make at a low cost..

It is because I have a dog I am discovering these. The dog does not get salty pork/bacon  etc. I can assure you
In fact the dog probably eats better than we do.

Always the same on this site. What ever one tries to say there are always a gang of fault finders.

I leave it a few months then come back. The old miseries have gone but there are always replacements, finding faulg and moaning.

No matter...........Last entry here.

It used to be a good site but the decent people are all gone.

Sad....Very sad


  • Acre
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2011, 21:02:42 »
sorry to have upset you, purpleheather. i wasn't intending anything negative by what i said or Fork had said. i'm still new here, so i wouldn't wanna put anyone off by my apparent callousness.  :'(


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2011, 21:15:14 »
PurpleHeather..don't get upset about the bacon thing..that fact is that I thought it too that the bacon is for the dog, you didn't say it was for yourself to eat...simple misunderstanding..perharps clearer message next time. :-X
I haven't found nobody finding faults moaning is different thing..we must moan or life would be really boring.. ;) ;D
I assume you count yourself now as one of the decent ones..
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 21:23:39 by goodlife »


  • Half Acre
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 21:20:43 »
Before the days when I found out that salt/chocolate/etc/etc were POISONOUS ?? to dogs/chickens/etc/etc.  I didn't worry and fed anything to anything (though I did use my native inborn intelligence of course :o  )

I used to (and still do when I have pigs) cure my own bacon and ham.  I am always to generous to my pigs, and they normally come out far too fat, so when I have finished with the curing I end up cutting off lots of the fat and skin

I always give this to my dog (I have always kept a Great Dane - or sometimes two Great Danes)

I have to say that as far as I can see crisps/chocolate/and very salty fat off bacon have never harmed any of my dogs, or cats for that matter.

I currently have a very healthy 5 year old Great Dane, the one before that made over 11 1/2 and the one before that over 12 1/2

I think if we worried more about the chemicals we pour onto our animals such as the organochloride in spot on, and god knows what in the wormers, and less about salt and chocolate.....

Ah well ....l rant over.......   ;D ;D


PS I also let my dogs have any bones they want including raw or cooked chicken bones.  My family always did
First dog 17 1/2
Second dog 15 1/2
etc etc
I love my traditional English Cuckoo Marans and their lovely big brown eggs


  • Acre
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2011, 21:18:06 »
Brilliant idea.

Shame there are load of numpties who can not read.

You made it perfectly clear that the recipe you were thinking of was for humans after trying out a way of making dog food.

I will certainly try what you say. Jellied Pork and Ham made in ramekins are rather like pork pies without the crust and health conscious people will love them.

It may need a bit of tweeking with herbs and a bit of fresh peppers will add to the colour but you are right. They could well be a new taste sensation.

We had it years ago with chicken wings.........Then we got lamb shanks. Chefs used their off cuts of fish to make fish cakes or 'Ocean Pies'

Chicken liver is still cheap and since they stopped putting the giblets back into the chickens, these too are sold off cheaply. (silly beggars used to cook the chicken with the bag of giblets in plastic still inside). Ducks are still sold with the giblets inside.

No doubt people who buy duck  know how to cook know how to use giblets

Please do not give up on us PH. Remain here for the benefit of the silent majority. Not for the few empty vessels who make the most noise.

You are one of the few who say it 'As it is'.

I follow your posts.  ;D


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2011, 21:24:31 »
Mum used to make fabulous soup out of pigs tails, full of lentils , carrots and onions, I didn't realise you could still buy them, I'll investigate when I go to the local market, takes me back  ;D


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 19:45:11 »
I have just seen this..

A walk around the butchers department of my Oriental supermarket is full of treasures..

 From pigs they have trotters, tripe,stomachs, tails, snouts, anus,tendons,skin  and something called uteri, which  are very small things??

In the cooked department, they have pork skin, crisp like crackling and pork skin simmered in a sauce, at first I thought it was tripe as it has the same look to it but ,it is skin

From chickens and ducks they have heads, feet,livers,hearts , kidneys and  gizzards.

I often wonder how they cook the feet with the toe nails still on.

And I must find out what uteri are.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2011, 19:48:28 »
yeuck, is it a plural of uterus?
don't fancy some of that stuff  :-X


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 19:55:20 »
Yeaukk indeed ! I would imagine in this country it will be illegal to sell most of that list !! Health and Hygene.! :o


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2011, 20:27:50 »
I forgot the ears and the squares of cooked blood.

I found a picture of the uteri, supposed to bring youthful vigour to women!!

I wonder if I dare!!![attachment=1]
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  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2011, 20:32:20 »
OMG :o.. like something from Aliens..
Are they the womb and fallopian tubes of some animal..? Looks bit like some sort of sea creature  ;D


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2011, 20:36:21 »
The picture makes sense if you read the earlier post above XX |Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


  • Hectare
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Re: Pigs Tails
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2011, 20:50:09 »
OK so I can not stay away.

They say the only thing you can not eat from a pig is the squeak.

I went to my two butchers who sell pigs tails and trotters yesterday and both had sold out.

I was asked not only by the butcher's assistance but also by other customers

'what do you do with them?'

It seems, since I live in a university city where there are a lot of (they say Chinese) but having been to Asia I can see that there is a difference with the shape of the eyes, we Europeans, simply think is 'Chinese'. It is slight and the identification error understandable.

Not intentionally racist. Just a case of mis-identity.

Sadly, my saying I use them for gelatin for the dogs food was rather a disappointment.

The Hairy Bikers are ahead of me here. They have been to these Posh Nosh places and the cheffy chefs are already making things like

Pigs trotters in jelly surrounded by sliced chicken hearts.

(saw it in the box)

Sadly they did not say what the Micheline Chef was charging for the dish.

BUT these bored people who want a new taste experience are obviously interested.

Son in law got a 4lb Ox heart last week end. Took off the fat (rendered it down for dripping for the roast spuds) roasted the heart stuffed with bread crumbs and herbs. I am sure a Paxo mix will work. for 3 hrs wrapped in foil at 180 C.

I wont tell you how many servings he got from it hot as a roast. Cold  in sandwiches and as another main meal, with gravy then another cold with a salad. Just because I forget.

 I will tell you that the only three people who had some. Told me it was the tastiest beef they had enjoyed for ages. The whole ox heart costs £1.99 at one butcher and is £2.50 at another. Morrison's do packs of it for stewing chopped into nice cubes but it is dearer.

Pigs trotters give excellent gelatin and are used for pork pies (for the jelly)

Pigs tails. OK I will tell you. The secret is out. They give more gelatin than trotters. There is much more meat on them and the end bit is such a soft bone it is safe to give it to most medium to large sized dogs dogs to chew on. After long slow cooking.

One piece of advice.

Get some of those gloves the gynecologist use. when to removing the meat from the bones. from tails and trotters. It is so sticky, your fingers stick together.

I am working on a recipe to use pigs tails, off cuts of bacon together with added choppped onion, olives and peppers.

Rather like a brawn. FOR HUMANS NOT DOGS


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