Author Topic: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.  (Read 23016 times)


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Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:09:51 »
Hi can anyone offer me some urgent advice for a friend of mine.She has been having problems with a fellow plot holder at the allotments and to cut a long story short she had to make complaints about her to the Town council who own the allotments as the committee was run by her friends anyway it was agreed at a meeting between my friend ,the Town Council and committee at a meeting that anew committee should be voted in and everyone would move forward from that date and froget the past.But disater at the AGm the person in question got voted in as secretary of the committee and as they were all friends they voted each other in and refused to let my friend on the committee,Anyway my friend decided to just get on with her plot and ignor them but due to bead weather hadnt been going up much but the week after her first vist to prepare for the new season she started getting letters from the committee saying she must attend a meeting to answer questions about her actions and attitued to other plot holders (she had not been up much or seen anyone when she had).Anyway she took the letter to the Town Council who adviced her because of the previous problems ask for copies of the complaints before attending the meeting and when she received them not only were they 8 months old (never been bought up at AGM or Town Council meeting)they were all lies and were from the friends of the lady who she had problems with.She was adviced not to go to any meeting and the committee were warned to stop sending letters and stop dragging up old news but they ignored the council and demanded she attend a meeting the council ended uowritting to thrm warning they were taking legal advice and all letters and meetings must stop but again they ignore them and sent an eviction notice to my friend again council told her to ignor it untill they got legal advice .Then my friend got a letter from the council that said the committee are the correct body of people to evict who they want evn though she had proved it was avendetta a local councillor adviced her to put in an appeal which was heard a a Town Council meeting but again a letter has come saying the Town Council cannot get involved as the committee run the site evn though they own it and if my frined does not agree with it being a proper process she must take it to a court of law.What the hell is he supposed to do now evn the councillor who adviced her has said that at the meeting it was sgreed it was all wrong but as it was taking up so much of the town clerks time and she was threatening to leave due to the extra work load it was agreed that the committe can do what they want as the council will not get involved evn though up to a week ago they had bee advicng my friend and told her they were in the wrong.She now has a week to remove her stuff before the committe change the locks to the site my frien ha s evidance the the AGM was a shambles but the council have washe dther hands of it and are now not even returning my friends calls


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 10:40:38 »
Hello, and welcome to the forum!

where in the UK are you? How many plots / tenants are there?
was the AGM well-attended?
It seems that the site committee do not have many checks and balances in place. does the committee haver an 'arbitration & appeals' committee?
has your friend asked to see copies of all the minutes of meetings?

lots of info needed before folk can give advice
but, you've found the best place for impartial advice.

rgds, Tony

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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2011, 10:56:39 »
Hi tony,She is in Derbyshire,There are 14 plots and approx 30 members and yes AGM was well attended and other members stood up and said it was a farce and run for the personal wants and needs of the committee and other members told them they were very rude the way they spoke to my friend .She recently had a chat with another plot holder asking if she was aware they were trying to evict her and she said she dint want to get involved.After speaking to the plot holder who stood up at the AGM he was clear it is personal against my friend but again he just wants to do his plot and not get involved,The general thing is as its a small site the group running it are all friend and others are afraid to speak out in case they are next .What happens if my friend does not remove her stuff before the date and refuses to go .As for the copy of the minutes she has a copy but we have hard evidance it is not what happened at the meeting and it is all lies.They have no appeals committee .


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 14:18:18 »
The trouble with trying to give advice is we only see one side of the story and unless you have the backing of the majority of your members who will stand up to the committee instead of giving the same old weak excuse of "i dont want to get involved" you are waisting your time

If you have this backing the first thing you need to do is get a copy of the alletment constitution, which you are entiteled to by law. Find out how many member are required to call an Extra Ordinary Meeting.
Make your adgenda IE vote off the secretary, new committee reinstatement of your friend without etc

The commitee can not evict without an eviction order, for that they need to take her to court. but they can refuse to renew the lease of your friend.

To be asked to go before the committee a letter must presented to her with the request to attend if no letter was given then it is not with standing.
If a letter was give the matter can be discussed in her absence but not in the pressense of the person who complained.
She is also entitled to a reprisentive at the meeting

If the Secretary is the complainent then if your freind attends the hearing the person who made the complaint must leave the meeting and be there as the witness against her, there for not being able to make any judgement agains her.

If the minutes have not been read out at an AGM to the members, voted for and seconded by members as being  true record then they dont mean a thing.

The committee must give 28 days notice to remove her stuff and again it must be in writing

Sorry dinner break hope this helps
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 14:53:13 by davyw1 »
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2011, 19:02:51 »
Hi Fireman, wretched story, I'm really sorry your friend's having all this trouble.

Can you post the eviction notice please.  It's not possible to give sound advice without seeing the actual letter.

However much the committee huff and puff your friend has every right to stay put and continue to garden his plot until either the committee re-enter and take possession of the plot or they obtain a court order for possession.  If either one of those things happen then he is evicted, but only then.

To re-entry, the committee need to physically exclude your friend from the whole of his plot and post a prominent notice to that effect.  Changing the site lock would probably do the job if the site was securely fenced and your friend couldn't get in, otherwise they'd have to fence the plot round or deploy security guards - not likely to happen with an allotment, but it's been done.  Once the committee has re-entered your friend needs to apply to the court for relief.  It's possible for the committee to re-let the plot, but it's possible for the court to order the new tenant off and reinstate your friend, especially if the new tenant is installed with indecent haste by a committee wanting to make good on a the eviction.

Anything left on the plot once the committee re-enter remains your friend's property and the committee become what's called an involuntary bailee which means that are legally responsible for keeping it all safe.  If the committee damage anything or dispose of it then your friend has grounds for a civil action for conversion.

If the court finds the re-entry to have been unlawful because for example the notice of eviction was defective then your friend has grounds for a civil action against the committee for trespass.  I've never heard of it being used for this, but if the committee re-enter on the basis of a patently defective notice or without a right of re-entry in the tenancy agreement than I see no reason why the police shouldn't lay charges ofcriminal trespass.

If your friend is on the plot when the committee attempt to re-enter he is completely within his rights to use reasonable force to resist - the court would decise what was reasonable, but it's a good idea to go no further than some vigorous pushing and shoving.  Your friend needs to call the police immediately.  Eviction is a civil matter and the police have zero interest in who's right and who's wrong, but they have a duty to prevent a breach of the peace.  If there is a physical confrontation then your friend needs to press charges for assault, but it's really important that he behaves as calmly and as reasonably as possible.

Re-entry has very many pitfalls for the committee and they'd be stupid to try, but there are ever so many stupid people in the world so it's possible.

The other way the committee can make good the eviction is to apply to the court for a possession order.  Your friend is still the lawful tenant until the court awards possession and the bailifs turn up to manhandle him off.  Your friend will be invited to defend the claim.

Bear in mind that if he loses in court he may well have to pay court costs and the legal costs of the committee - maybe £1k in total - so he needs to make an informed decision about whether to defend the eviction.  We need to see the notice to give any meaningful advice about that.

It is vitally important that your friend doesn't give his site key back to take any kind of unequivocal action that would make it look to the court as though he'd surrendered his tenancy.  He also needs to pay his rent, and if the the committee are stupid enough to accept it after issuing a notice to evict then by operation of law that defeats the eviction.

It's probably also possible for your friend to take pre-emptive action and apply to the court for releif now, and that has some merit if the committee are likely to re-enter because it saves him the serious hassle of being off his plot in the spring.

Lots to digest.  I'm afraid there's no white knight to defend your friend's rights, he will have to do it himself, and if he's not that comfortable with the idea of a possible physical confrontation then he needs to weigh up the pros and cons of defending his rights, because bullies don't like being challenged.  And he'd be well advised not to bang on to his plot buddies about his woes either - it's very unlikely he'll find anyone who gives a toss, and he'll soon find himself ignored.
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2011, 20:41:13 »
thankyou unwashed
your reply was of great help i will get a copy of the eviction notice tomorrow from my friend and post it on to you again many thanks


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 21:01:02 »
Reply to Unwashed

My friend said is there anyway she can send you the copy of the eviction notice without it being on display as shes concerned about her details been on the web?

She has been told to send an offical letter of complaint to the town council to appeal against the eviction on the date of eviction, but she hasnt got a clue what to put in letter.
Also she has phoned NSALG legal team and they say that the council are the landlords and if she as got a problem with how the committee are running the site then she must complain to the council but the coucil keep saying everything is up to the committee.

If  the council dont regulate what the committee do then they can go round evicting anyone at anytime as they know that council wont do anything about it

thanks fireman


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 21:29:17 »
I'll PM you my address.
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 22:04:01 »
thanks for that unwashed

would it help if i get off her the letters the council have sent aswell in reply to her appeal which will give you a broader picture.

Another question is a committee a sound body if there is no chairman elected at the AGM ?



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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 08:59:27 »
thanks for that unwashed

would it help if i get off her the letters the council have sent aswell in reply to her appeal which will give you a broader picture.

Another question is a committee a sound body if there is no chairman elected at the AGM ?

Sure, it helps to get the broader picture, but the tenancy agreement and notice evicting her are the essentials.

If the notice is unenforceable then it doesn't much matter about the committee, and that's a harder argument to make anyway.
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 22:25:19 »

i have sent over eviction notice


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 22:29:57 »
As eviction day is tomorrow what happens when my friend gets to the allotment site and finds the committee have changed the lock to the site gate which would prevent here getting to her plot?


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2011, 23:01:23 »
Cheers, I've received that.  I really need to see the tenancy agreement too.

Your friend has every right to continue to use her plot until either the committee exercise a right of re-entry under the tenancy agreement or obtain a court order for possession.  If the committee changes the site locks then that's probably an effective eviction and she then needs to apply to the court for relief.

The notice appears to me to be defective.  If it is a Notice to Quit as it describes itself then your friend is entitled to a statutory minimon of 12 months notice (S.1 Allotments Act 1022 as ammended).  If it is in fact a notice of forfeiture then it is not compliant with S.146 Law of Property 1925 in that your friend must be given an opportunity to remedy the breach by paying compensation, and no such offer is made.

It's not clear that the committee have the authority to forfeit the lease as it would appear that the council are the landlord.

If your friend didn't receive a fair hearing and an opportunity to defend the allegations against her then I would suspect a court would agree that there has not been due process.

Please post the tenancy agreement as soon as you can.
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2011, 07:40:55 »
Whilst we have put an appeal in against the eviction and a formal complaint about the committee to the council  can the committee still close our plot or re enter ?


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2011, 08:24:09 »
Whilst we have put an appeal in against the eviction and a formal complaint about the committee to the council  can the committee still close our plot or re enter ?
To be honest I'm not 100% sure, but as I understand it, yes, the landlord can always re-enter.  You can physically resist, but once the landlord has re-entered you're evicted.  You then have to go to court to argue that something about the eviction was unlawful or unfair, but the details of how are more than I know.

If you're arguing that the landlord correctly exercised a right of re-entry but that it is inequitable for you to be evicted then I'm pretty sure you apply for relief from forfeiture.  But if you're arguing that the landlord didn't have the right to re-enter then I think you still apply for relief from forfeiture, but it's possible that you apply youself for possession on the basis that the landlord is trespassing - but this is getting too technical for me I'm afraid.

It's unfortunate that it's all a bit late in the day now.  I suggest your friend now needs to go to a solicitor.  I haven't seen everything I'd need to make an informed opinion, but it looks to me that she has enough for a successful action so she should get most of her costs back - but it will cost her up-front, and she might end up losing and paying the other side's costs too.  I wish it were fairer than that, but it ain't, I'm sorry.

Can you post the tenancy agreement?

How long has your friend been a tenant?
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2011, 14:12:26 »
will post tenancy agreement later

its moved on again now as CEO of local borough council and local MP are getting involved now as they have had a copy of appeal letters


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2011, 15:02:21 »
That's fantastic news, that should buy you some time and support.  I'm really pleased.
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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2011, 15:22:02 »
its moved on again now as CEO of local borough council and local MP are getting involved now as they have had a copy of appeal letters

You couldn't make it up!


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2011, 15:36:35 »
yes that is good news!


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Re: Urgent advice needed on plot eviction.
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2011, 16:20:02 »
Keep up the good work...  :)


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