Author Topic: Dulce is a liar  (Read 5560 times)


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Dulce is a liar
« on: September 10, 2010, 21:36:52 »
Was on the computer in the upstairs bedroom and saw poor Dulce on the roof looking very sad.  He had been in my house all day and been fed and asleep on my plastic greenhouse and ripped up a bit of wall paper in the hall so was quite happy. I went in the garden to see if he was OK but he completely ignored me, then he saw his owner hanging washing out in the garden at the back of mine, and disappeared for at least two hours.  I watched him jump over the back wall and go in his own house, probably for food.  He is now back here telling me he is unloved and terribly hungry.  He has just got a little push/kick up the bum and has gone out.  He has got very fat, so do you think all this affection and crying is just a normal man taking the out of me.  I don't really mind and it is better that he is loved in two/three houses if ones includes next door to me.  I suppose they are out all day, as he does normally disappear about 5.30 pm. very clever cat has a clock.  Comes back about 7.30 for more food and a sleep over.  I think he really he taking the p..s out of me, but I still love him to bits, but no more food, fat cat.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 14:53:46 »
Ohh...for moment I though we were talking... :-X
Yes..definately he is using you..and the only remedy is you starting use 'him'..hive a little treat only..just enough to keep him interested of you and keep him coming back for more..
Then use the opportunity to get some cuddles out of him... ;) ;D


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2010, 10:39:06 »
Our youngest has 3 cats but lots of "foster" cats. One goes for cuddles, not interested in food at all, another goes for a sleep on the spare bed & 2 others for food & those are just the ones we know about ;).


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2010, 12:50:06 »
I've just been chatting to daughter with cats ;D. Her & hubby had a sleep yesterday afternoon. (Both have health problems). The yougest cat has a cover she pads on suckles. Daughter was cold so put the cover over herself making sure there was some on the floor for girl thingy but it got moved & girl thingy jumped up & was squeaking in her face, can't meow. Hubby told her off, daughter not cat ;D. Daughter just said to me that it's no wonder she, the cat  has no friends as she has no social because daddy spoils her. Is it any wonder we are thought of as wierd :o ;D.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2011, 23:27:24 »
In case anyone reads this... Please think again about feeding other peoples cats

My cat is diabetic and has been terribly ill with it although things have improved.  It is very important to keep diabetic cats on a consistent diet, and to keep their weight very low. I have to buy very expensive food and give it out on a strict plan.

For nearly a year my cats health was jeopardised by a "kind" neighbour who took pity on his soulful looks and I was helpless as he gained weight and his diabetes failed to respond properly to the treatment.   I did everything I could to politely explain and suggest that she shouldn't feed him, but her "kindness" couldn't help itself.  This only stopped when her dog sadly became very ill, and I think she started to reflect on what I had said, perhaps even asked her vet.

My cat has made a "friend" who feeds him everywhere we have lived together.  This is totally normal behaviour.  And the vet says that diabetes is much much more likely to occur in overweight cats. Do the maths. 

Think again before feeding that moggy from next door.  If you want to overfeed a pet and make it ill - get your own.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2011, 23:53:28 »
hope your cat gets well soon,its awful when they are poorly isnt it
when the going gets tough,the tough go digging


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2011, 22:17:47 »
Hello again
I've just re-read my rant - sorry everyone


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2011, 11:06:16 »
No need to apologise.  I had a cat "stolen" by a trio of ladies  - mum, daughter and granddaughter - who fed him.  He was very pretty and very sociable and loved a cuddle whereas their own cat was anti social and hated cuddles so ours ended up being poached cos we were at work all day and the grandmother was home alone all day.

He's long since dead now but I still think about him sometimes as he ended up living with them and we had to leave him behind when we moved here.  We had 4 female cats who came with us and lived long and happy lives.   

There are plenty of cats needing homes so there's no excuse for feeding anyone else's cat once they've explained that it's a problem.  I'd give full license to anyone who feeds a stray or neglected cat or dog but not when there's clearly an owner doing their best to keep their pet healthy and happy.
Obxx - Vendée France


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2011, 12:02:59 »
I don't know why this cat won't go home (know it is frightened of children).  I am fed up with locking and unlocking the cat flap, poor Charlie (my old cat) keeps getting locked out.  These terrible twins are clever and wait until I unlock it at night for Charlie and sneak in and eat Charlie's food.  Charlie has food down most of the time and eats little and often and is too thin if anything. I now have to pick it up and put in the cupboard if the cat flap is open, even had a litter tray for Charlie when it was cold so could shut the cat flap. Have even seen Gabanna searching through the rubbish bins in the side alley.  Have never had trouble with cats before and the cat flap has always been open for my cat.  Get on well with next door and I feed her cat when they are away (in her house, with her cat food) and she feds Charlie when we are away.  Had to buy a new cat flap part as they kept head butting it and broke the magnet.  Dulce sleeps in my plastic greenhouse when locked out and must admit that when it was snowing gave in and let him in the house.  They have only knocked for him once, then kept him in for 3 weeks, then he came back.  The owner said Gabanna is loyal but Dulce won't go to her.  If they hadn't threatened me with the police we could sort it out but I did object to being called a cat thief.  Rang the cat people and they said this is a very common problem.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2011, 13:05:12 »
Hi Borlotti :)

If they're accusing you of being a cat thief they must feel pretty strongly about it so they probably do mind a lot.  Perhaps they don't like the bad feeling any more than you do, and thats why they don't come round more often - if you will keep feeding him there isn't much else they can do is there.

You are probably spending a fair bit on food for Dulce.  Maybe you could save yourself money, and you and your neighbours the stress and heartache by getting one of those cat flaps that only open for the cat with the right tag on its collar.  Sounds like your old boy Charlie might be happier having a space where he can be away from the other cats too.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 15:38:49 »
A locking cat flap is not the whole answer as she has already told me to keep my back door shut in the summer, and not open any windows.  My immediate next door neighbour has also been told the same, to keep her back door shut, and she hasn't got a cat flap, but Gabanna still goes in there.  Also another lady (with a dog) says she feeds the cats up the alley.  So I think these (terrible twins) are just hunters, or taking the mickey out of all of us.  The reason we had the argument was when Gabanna got run over and it cost them £600 and he went missing.  So we were up the alley with a torch looking for him.  Poor cat had his back leg pinned and he got out.  I promised if he came here or saw him would take him home, she never told me that he was found. Dulce was shut out Nov 5th so let him in. Big mistake.  Anyway she said it is not my problem, and her partner bought her the kittens for her birthday, cost £70 each, so he was annoyed about paying the vet bill (I suppose).  Did ask if they had had their injections and flea treatment and that is when it all kicked off with the police.  Anyway no cats here (apart from Charlie), and no food down.  Next time her cats go missing or get run over I will just say 'it is not my problem'. I was also accused of taking Gabanna's flea collar off, but found it in my garden wrapped round a piece of wood.  Lucky he didn't get struggled.  Just off to buy a puppy (only joking).  Cats and children cause arguments between nightbours.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 18:52:00 »
she sounds like a lovely person!  sorry borlotti - you're stuck in between of a boisterous tom cat and a mardy female dog!

Tin Shed

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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2011, 19:20:10 »
Borlotti, as far as I can work out the only person who should keep her doors and windows shut is the owner of the terrible twins.
I fail to see why you all , Charlie included, have to live in a hermetically sealed house to stop her cats getting in! If she doesn't want them to go into anyone elses property she should make sure that she keeps them in hers!
One of my cats is on a diet and the lady next door fed anything that moved - foxes, magpies, cats - you name it. She had a mild learning disability so didn't really understand the importance of my cat's diet and carried on feeding all and sundry... but if I didn't want my cat to eat the food she put out, I considered that it was my responsibility to keep my cat away from her garden, even if it meant that I would have had to keep her indoors.

Poppy Mole

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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2011, 19:30:19 »
I agree with Tinshed if you want your doors & windows open, then open them, it is HER responsibility to keep them out of your house, the food on the floor for your cat is in fact being stolen by hers.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2011, 19:47:39 »
After keeping the cat flap shut all day, he spotted me from the bedroom window, where the computer is and came knocking.  No food, but have let him in.  Charlie asleep on the bed, Dulce in the bedroom and Gabanna (who hasn't been round much) last week asleep by the radiator, his poor leg where he got run over. Went downstairs and Gabanna is in the kitchen, so have thrown them out, shut the door, cat flap and all the window. Wicked woman.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2011, 10:06:36 »
Hi Borlotti.  It seems to me you have a lot to bear from your neighbouring cat owners.  It is certainly unreasonable to expect you to keep doors and windows closed just because her cats roam.  I suspect they're simply not getting enough love and comfort at home.    I know our cat left home for cuddles.  He'd been used to loving in a flat above a hairdresser's where, from early kittenhood, he spent most of his day going from one client's knee to the next during the day then cuddles with us when we got home from work so when we bought a house and moved him away from all that attention he sought it with the ladies 2 doors down.

My other cat then was a stray I took in and she bonded very closely with me from the start, as did the other cats that arrived over the next few years - a kitten I "rescued" from the local pet shop , her 3 kittens which we kept and assorted wanderers in need of love and care and humungous vet's bills.   They would all be lined up on the garden path when I came home from work.   We brought 5 with us to Belgium with no problems.

All this to say your neighbour needs to look to her own cat caring methods, not yours.   By the way, we now have visits from a piss pot tom cat so our catflap is closed at night and, to stop him bashing it in, we place a large chunk of kitchen worktop offcut against it .

Since we're out in the country with woodlands and fences to get stuck on, we have abandoned flea collars and use the stuff you dollop on the backof their neck to prevent fleas and ticks.  It works very well and no-one gets strangled.   Our one remaining cat and the dog both have microchips to identify them.
Obxx - Vendée France


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2011, 11:57:56 »
A couple of years ago my neighbour's cat decided to wander into my house on a regular basis.  I love cats, but as I'm sometimes away for several days at a time, I didn't want to accidentally lock a cat in and go off for the week & come home to goodness knows what.

So, I waited until the cat wandered in ( I love leaving my back door open to the yard) then closed the door behind it and "chased" it around the room banging anything that would make a loud noise  & after a couple of circuits, let the cat back out again.

He wasn't harmed, but now never crosses my threshold.  It may sound cruel, but I had to set the boundaries.  Maybe you could try something similar with your interlopers? ( when the neighbours are away obviously)
is it in the sale?
(South Cheshire)


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2011, 10:29:59 »
Have put a litter tray down for Charlie (as he is old and doesn't really like going out in the rain) so I can lock the cat flap.  Looked round yesterday and there was Dulce by my feet, thought I was going mad but checked the cat flap and it was locked.  Had left the top small bathroom window open (downstairs bathroom) and saw muddy cat footprints all round the hand basin.  Opened the cat flap last night as Charlie did want to go out and didn't want him shut out, looked round and had both the twins rolling on the carpet and kissing each other, so booted them all out.  Opened the back door this morning and found half a dead fish by the back door, don't know where that came from. No cats here now (apart from Charlie, asleep on the bed) hurray.  ;D ;D ;D  I have tried running round the house and garden shouting and banging but he just thinks that is funny.  The grandchildren are the best deterent, better have them round more often.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2011, 21:15:15 »
Has been better lately, with the water pistol and the cat flap shut, apart from at night, and when I am out, but had to laugh at this tonight.  Both twins in the kitchen, did shut the door to get the photo, before I booted them out, and then both sitting on the wall waiting for me to open the cat flap.  Gabanna is on the wall behind the wood (only see his outline). No visits from the end of the garden neighbours (cats owners) but next door did find one of the twins in her bath (left her window open) last week, so they are roaming cats and very trusting (which may not be a good thing).  Charlie (my cat) never goes far, but then he is old.


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Re: Dulce is a liar
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2011, 21:29:39 »
I love the photo of them kissing!
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