Author Topic: Ein Breuddwyd (welsh for 'our dream')  (Read 39025 times)


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Re: Ein Breuddwyd (welsh for 'our dream')
« Reply #60 on: January 29, 2012, 23:09:58 »
I was wondering who that enormous tree belongs to? It looks as though it ha been pruned before and a good crown prune would give you a lot more light.

You could build raised beds which would give you a depth of soil above any tree roots.

i was thinking about the coal dust too. I'd be afraid of it causing damp in the shed.      It might be worth rebuilding the wall - you don't want your patio suddenly collapsing into the shed!! but you might need some sort of barrier to stop baby Elis hurtling down!

By allotment do you mean veg garden or is "the allotment" an extra bit of land you rent? What is the large building you walked past to get to the allotment area - is it part of your garden?

You have clearly put in a lot of hard work already but still have loads to do. I'd agree - take it a bit at a time: somewhere to sit and relax in the summer that's safe for the baby - maybe with your plastic boxes planted up with salads, spring onions, carrots etc and a few tubs of scented flowers. Cover up what you don't have time to do - cardboard covered with manure will suppress the weeds and rot down nicely for planting. Do an area at a time so that you get the satisfaction of seeing something completed. A big job like that is daunting but your garden divides nicely into "rooms" so you can develop it that way.
I believe the tree is owned by the farmer who has the field bordering the gardens. A lot of the problem with the tree is it is full of ivy which cuts out much of the light.

Yes by allotment I meant the veg garden but its all ours, we dont rent any extra land yet :) give us time lol. We will see how much we can get done early on but not to the detriment of the enjoyment of the task.

Totally agree about damp in the shed and the patio will have to be dealt with in terms of excavating the remaining coal ash and building the wall so there is a definite gap between the wall and the shed. The fencing on the patio is something that will be done in the next few months though. Elis may not be mobile just yet but his mother is and she is far more clumsy then he is!  ;)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 23:13:43 by Daipie »


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Re: Ein Breuddwyd (welsh for 'our dream')
« Reply #61 on: January 30, 2012, 08:42:39 »
I really enjoyed having a peek into your garden.. ;D Those 'containers' are good..fair size planters for many different crops...and don't hurry with getting rid of the could used them when you re-build something..part of the wall or raise beds or..I'm sure they will come handy.
As for the 'weeds' was quite hard to really see what they are as the pic wasn't that close up and your hand bit shaky..if you can take photo and post that, I'm sure we can tell what you are dealing with.
Af for pruning the little apple trees amongst the 'to-be-cleared-waste'...well..they looked quite new additions to me and I would not rush to prune those now. Yes, it is good time to prune if you want to reduce, restore or remove some dead or unwanted growth..but with young trees you will be better of with summer pruning, and by just reducing the lenght of the new whippy growth. If you prune in winter, you just incourage more whippy growth.
"winter prune for new growth and summer prune to get fruiting spurs".. ;)
Was those trees at the bottom of your garden fruit trees too?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 09:04:19 by goodlife »


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Re: Ein Breuddwyd (welsh for 'our dream')
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2012, 08:55:50 »
I also missed this first time around but I've just looked at both your blogs so I think I've 'caught up' now.  :)

Firstly, congratulations on your beautiful baby - I am following his blog with interest, I love babies!

Your garden............what a lot of rubbish you inherited.   :o  It's amazing the amount of stuff people just dump and then forget about. 

It will be really nice once you've cleared it, such a lot of space to grow all your crops.
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Re: Ein Breuddwyd (welsh for 'our dream')
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2012, 09:35:49 »
What potential you have there, love it! My tuppence worth.... the weed you show looks like comfrey to me, which is reay useful as both ground cover and can be used to make excellent plant food for any plants, I would keep it and move some clumps to the damper darker areas of the garden.
The end part of the garden looks like it has some trees planted, ? You could make an orchard there? Have a look at Monty Don's garden and how he went  about planning a garden it might give you some inspiration. I would wait and see what comes up in the spring too before making any planting decisions you can post pics on here for us to have a go at identifying stuff we love doing that!
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


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