Author Topic: Chillis failing - too late to start again?  (Read 2280 times)


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Chillis failing - too late to start again?
« on: May 02, 2010, 14:03:41 »
Hi - I'm quite an experienced chilli grower but am having a bit of a disaster this year. I'm growing a variety I haven't tried before - from King's seeds. Not sure what type they are as it just says 'Chilli Pepper' on the packet. I started them off on the windowsill in January and they germinated fine. I kept them there until the beginning of April and, though they hadn't grown much, they seemed happy enough. So, as usual, I potted them up and planted them out in the usual spot - against a nice sunny wall in my garden. And, even though the weather has been quite warm, they are basically dying, and I don't really know what has gone wrong.

So I have a couple of questions for any experienced chilli growers

1. Has anyone tried this variety before and had any results good or bad?
2. Anyone got any ideas what I might have done wong - I suspect it may be that I put them out too early, but my tomatoes which are right next to them are doing fine.
3. Is it too late to sow new seeds (2nd May)?

Any help and advice gratefully received!


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Re: Chillis failing - too late to start again?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2010, 14:10:39 »
Even thgough youre southwest its way too cold to put chillis outdoors yet. Temps are under 10c overnight and that will kill them. Toms can stand a bit more cold but its been borderline for them too - 8c here last night. Id give another batch a try.

Tee Gee

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Re: Chillis failing - too late to start again?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 14:15:16 »
1. Has anyone tried this variety before and had any results good or bad?

I am not sure what variety you mean but I have noticed all my varieties are dragging their heels a bit this year. I put it down to light! or should I say lack of it!
2. Anyone got any ideas what I might have done wong - I suspect it may be that I put them out too early,

I think you have hit the nail on the head, plus your plants look a bit small to me.

Try putting a cloche/s over them (pop bottles for instance) this might fetch them on a bit!

but my tomatoes which are right next to them are doing fine.

As a matter of interest; have your tomato leaves gone a bit bluey green.

If they have this is a sure sign of it being too cold!

3. Is it too late to sow new seeds (2nd May)?

I would say yes but if you have seed it might be worth trying a few.

Who knows we might get an indian summer and Sept/Oct might be quite warm and you get a crop!

Any help and advice gratefully received!

I am no expert but I hope the above info helps!


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Re: Chillis failing - too late to start again?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 14:19:04 »
It is definately too early maybe warm during day but night time temps are nowhere near high enough for chillies..and looks like they are bit on small size for great ourdoors too.. is getting late for chilli sowing as they take couple of weeks to germinate to start with..but if you were to grow in pots and could keep them going on in sunny windowsill or in greenhouse then your season would be extended and would still get some out of you just have to pick variety that does not need long growing season to start with...majority Capsicum annuum varieties crop within 70-85 days from transplant..


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Re: Chillis failing - too late to start again?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2010, 18:43:11 »
Thanks for the advice - I think I was trying to be too clever and get everything going early. Normally I'm woefully late with all my stuff, but for once I'm actually ahead of myself with most of the crops this year. It's backfired with the chillies though.


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