
Who are planning on voting for on Thursday?

14 (20.3%)
16 (23.2%)
20 (29%)
12 (17.4%)
Dont know!
7 (10.1%)

Total Members Voted: 68

Voting closed: May 06, 2010, 12:43:50

Author Topic: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday  (Read 3555 times)


  • Acre
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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2010, 16:55:01 »

 With all the parties telling us
what they can do for us all, how they are going to put all
our woes behind us and make the country and the world a
better place, having thought it all over very carefully I
shall be voting for;

   The Icelandic Volcanic Party
They did more to stop immigration in the last five days,
 Than Labour have done in the past Thirteen Years.


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2010, 16:56:06 »
 The Icelandic Volcanic Party
They did more to stop immigration in the last five days,
 Than Labour have done in the past Thirteen Years.

i don't belive death is the end


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2010, 17:00:45 »
If Screaming Lord Sutch was still around, He would get my vote every time. ;D ;D ;D

Got them back now to put some tread on them


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2010, 22:52:25 »
I live in as safe a tory seat as you can can get, my vote will not affect who is returned as my MP, but I will be voting LD because I strongly believe this voting system is crazy and needs changing, the higher the percentage of the popular vote the LDs can secure the more likely we are to see a change to this ludicrous system.


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2010, 23:36:31 »
Personally, I think giving free bus passes for the whole country to all pensioners is wrong.  Now the wealthy pensioners go on holidays courtesy of the tax payers.  My local bus (runs from leeds-york-coast) is full of pensioners using it as a holiday... down on the south coast, it causes such a problem that locals cannot get on a bus (I have struggled too at times, with them and their cases...)

I think bus passes should have remained free for journeys LOCAL to the home... and they should be means tested, and free to those who deserve to get them free.

no doubt many of you will disagree...


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2010, 05:45:30 »
I agree Matt, but it would also be nice to see a bus in the village which has a good route out of it and on a regular basis.
I feel that they are not doing enough to get the youngsters into full time employment. Nowadays they fill you with all this stuff and at the end no job.
I have had three go through this process and it gets to be a bit annoying when they say cant employ you no experience, not old enough, wrongly suited for the job. When will it all end.

Got them back now to put some tread on them

Pesky Wabbit

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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2010, 12:38:41 »

...  they say cant employ you no experience, not old enough, wrongly suited for the job.

Sounds well qualified to be an MP if you ask me.  :-\


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2010, 13:14:36 »
Do you mean there`s going to be an Election Tomorrow I`ll have to start watching the news more often.


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2010, 13:24:21 »
I once did a count when Screaming Lord Sutch was running he was hilarious.  It was a very safe Tory seat and the sitting MP was trying to see if his majority had increased and SLS was mimicing him trying to see is he had any votes at all.  

The stupid Tory guy got completely up my nose.  I first task was to put all the papers the same way up and he objected that I had mixed up a Tory vote with labour ones.  Then he kept on picking on people and suggesting that they had too few or too many vote sheets in each batch.    Each batch was counted three times!  SLS was very charming and very gracious and thanked each of the counters personally though since we were being paid I thought that was not necessary.

There were a surprising number of spoiled votes and they are counted separately.  If the votes is close they argue over each one of these.  In a very marginal seat a few hundred of these could cause a major hassle.  For example ticking instead of crossing, using lipstick or felt tip, writing rude remarks on the paper etc etc etc.  Putting the cross too near the edge of the box.

I have never voted Tory since then.


  • Acre
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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2010, 19:38:33 »
Whoever gets in there are going to be severe cuts and a rise in taxes.  It makes me so cross that all this happened because of the banks.  I don't think they should have any bonuses and the Government should be paid back with the profits they make. 

I dread going back to the mid 1990's when our Health Service was so run down and waiting lists were astronomical.  When I injured my knee in 1995, the letter I received to see the consultant gave the appointment 19 months off.  When I finally got to see him, he said an MRA scan was necessary and there was a seven months wait for that.  All this happened during a fairly prosperous period too so it frightens me what will happen to our NHS now.  Personally I would rather pay more taxes than have services cut.

The future is bleak whoever gets in.   :'( :'(

I couldn't agree more Paulines7.... It's all very depressing. With  the deficit predicted to be the highest  in the EU this year. I just hope we are not heading for the1970's :'( :'(


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2010, 23:20:07 »
i wasnt going to vote for any of them i think they are all liars i hate the americanisation of things. main stream politics is narrow minded and boring. there is no radical change in anything they have to say, they could all be one party of cack. but i will vote because my greatest fear is that BNP get votes.


  • Half Acre
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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2010, 23:46:03 »
Oh god here I go.....

Please do not think I am a BNP type I am not and I would never vote for them. However..... yes there it is.

I consider them all the same as each other, they all lie for their own benefit, they all say one thing and do another, they all tell us we are idiots and we have no right to know the truth yet we monkeys vote them in to tell us that !. So the BNP say they want to limit immigration, and their Na**s, yet when the other parties realise they lost the ball on this as it suddenly turns out to be a hot potatoe ( I was gonna say spud, but I am famous enough!) and THEY declare a war on immigration, its ok, nevermind the argument that they would implement it differently its hypocrisy to me, Then they tell everyone they have the freedom of speech and yet they remove your rights to just that, try protesting around parliament, never mind D notices or the like when we wan't to know something, or using the police to trample on peoples rights in the name of Justice and secrecy, how much corruption in the police is there, huh!, and their supposed to be the upholders of freedom and justice.....  Oh I forgot you can't tar them all with that brush, unless of course they get caught out, Anyway when BNP decide to have a newsconference or such they suddenly aren't allowed to have a right to voice their opinion, as vile as it may be. You cannot take the right to free speech away from a particular group just because they are animals we may not like the tone of, not only is it hypocrisy it is going to give them nothing more than a "mystical" status and draw more attention to their cause.

As a mature and sensible adult I am more than aware of their aims and goals, I do not need a bunch of screaming dervishes telling me what they are doing, nor do I need a nanny state protecting my brain from thinking by banning anything or anyone politicaly distastefull or abhorent. Ireland comes to mind, it did Thatcher etc no good trying to silence them and now they have their voice and place in parliament, did the UK suddenly melt down?. I may not be able to spell it as well as those more educated in the art of English language or such, nor may I be able to articulate my thoughts or meanings as well as they, but I DO and CAN think for myself, it also does NOT make me less worthy than they. Right now, these days I wish I was oliver cromwell, and I could march into parliament kick the mace to the floor and throw the lot of them out till they grow up, he must be turning in his grave.

Doh! I forgot to make what I see as my point, that whilst the other parties are bashing the BNP and calling them names etc, demanding they be outlawed, and urging violence against them ( you may not be able to prove it but you can bet they egg others on even in order to jump up and down so they can scream "look at the animals, we were right about them" ) they are doing exactly what they claim of that party. Denying freedom of speech, and civil rights etc, it makes them no better as far as I am concerned,  every year we see how some secret is leaked, how so and so incited/committed some illegal act whilst in a position of trust!. If the other parties think we are intelligent enough to vote for their mainstream parties, then we are obviously intelligent enough not to vote for the BNP. If they think I am that dumb then I wont vote at all.

As for me I have always been a Labour voter, but this time I am not sure, Maybe I will vote LD or "Vote Spud".

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 00:15:09 by superspud »
Ignore me I'm having a breakdown.


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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2010, 21:14:51 »
Spud, the right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act is not an absolute right, it must be balanced against the rights of others, in this case your right not to be harrassed because of your race or colour.

But I tend to agree with you that an informed debate is stifled by the delicacy of discussing race.  An uncomfortable truth is that Britain mostly gains from eastern european ecconomic migrants in particular who as a rule are increadibly hard working, decent, intelligent, and honest; in contrast to the knuckle-dragging slack-jawed pond-scum we breed in the UK.  The prosperity generated by hard-working immigrants actually creates more jobs, but it's convenient for the right-wing hate-mongers to blame the foreigners.

Oh, and I voted first thing this morning.
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Re: Who are planning on voting for on Thursday
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2010, 23:11:00 »
Dunno whether the debate had anything to do with it but at my station we have never had some many people come to vote.  Turnout approx 60% as opposed to 45% for a general election and 35 for local.  We had quite a lot of older people come and vote who had never voted before as well.  Dam long day though


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