Author Topic: Greedy Tescos  (Read 32517 times)


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #60 on: January 05, 2010, 09:22:58 »
There is a world of difference between no replies... (I often trawl back and say something on empty posts) and people just being contetious (?sp)  :-X


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #61 on: January 05, 2010, 09:58:46 »
This is why i never talk about politics or religion as people has such strong views on such.

My thoughts are always, thats your views i respect them now keep them to yourselves.

Right back to the thread....

I have always thought that it is ridiculous that the stores stock easter eggs in january and xmas stuff in sept, but we are now a consumer society and if people did not purchase said goods at these times of the year then the shops would not stock them. The answer is to not purchase these goods until a more realistic timeframe.

I shall go now before anyone starts shouting at me...............bows out with dignity..... ;D


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #62 on: January 05, 2010, 15:04:49 »
Sorry to jump in here when I really should keep my mouth shut. Surely making a profit isn't in itself greedy? If my OH made no profit on his plumbing work he would be a charity.  :-\
Tesco are greedy in the way they want all of the market not just a share. They are not alone though and I think the original poster said Tesco as that is where they happened to be.
Don't throw paper away. There is no away.


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #63 on: January 05, 2010, 15:10:40 »
But surely the fault is with us,the great British public.

If we did not shop at Tesco and shop at the shops that are put out of business it would never happen.


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #64 on: January 05, 2010, 15:34:25 »
Just seen cream eggs and mini eggs in Sainsbury's but ignored them! With the amount of choc still around from Christmas it made mefeel morelike throwing up than buying them! ;D


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #65 on: January 05, 2010, 15:35:58 »
But surely the fault is with us,the great British public.

If we did not shop at Tesco and shop at the shops that are put out of business it would never happen.

There are good number of people who can't afford to care (time or money wise) - this is where the significant number of people come from.

I don't like shopping at supermakets fullstop.

I don't like the idea of the monopoly they have or the prices they pay to producers.

I do shop at them though. Fortunately less so nowadays.

I am lucky. I can afford to pay the prices that the local butchers charge (these are easily double the supermaket prices). I also have the lottie for most of our fruit and veg.

Many people are not in this situation, even though they may like to be.

Time is another issue. Many families are working long hours and cannot find the time to spend all saturday morning going around various local shops. This may be their only time to do important family activities.

I know for one if I was working 50+ hours a week in a minimum wage job, with both partners working (or a single parent family). I would be saving my money and time by shopping at a large supermarket, whether I was feedling the corporation or not.

In an ideal world... needs must all all that.

Poppy Mole

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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #66 on: January 05, 2010, 16:02:10 »
Well said Sparkly - I think that just about sums up the whole issue.

Deb P

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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #67 on: January 05, 2010, 16:37:52 »
I must be very odd then, as I quite enjoy shopping! ;D

I use the site every month at least to check which store I can buy our 'average' shop the cheapest....for us most of the time that is Salisbury's, but I also regularly shop at Aldi,Lidl and Iceland for certain specific things we like and are good value, as well as local farms for meat and eggs. Our closest supermarket is actually Tescos, but we really only use it for the occasional top up item.

I confess I have no loyalty at all to any shop whatsoever, I judge good 'value' on quality and price, and usually only use the supermarkets at certain times of the day to pick up the clearance reductions, plus make use of BOGOF multi buys, but only on stuff we usually buy anyway. We also don't buy many branded products, having tried the own brand type of most things, we have stuck to those we liked and went back to branded on those we didn't, that can save a few pennies.
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #68 on: January 05, 2010, 18:49:25 »
Well said Sparkly, now where did I put my club card, I need to book a holiday.   ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #69 on: January 05, 2010, 18:56:53 »
Sparkly just seen your post & presume you are in the Manchester area. Have you been to Unicorn food co-operative in Chorlton. It's fantastic, great products & prices. It's vegan but still lots to buy.


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #70 on: January 05, 2010, 19:00:58 »
Sparkly just seen your post & presume you are in the Manchester area. Have you been to Unicorn food co-operative in Chorlton. It's fantastic, great products & prices. It's vegan but still lots to buy.

I have heard of this, but not been there yet. When the snow thaws I will put it on the list to do!


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #71 on: January 06, 2010, 10:56:08 »
Went shopping yesterday. At Tescos the carpark was full and the huge hypermarket was bursting with customers. Folk were queuing for petrol. 1 mile down the road Morrisons was virtually empty and I was able to park in pole position at their front door. There were no cars in the petrol station.
Heading on to Ikea I was amazed to find it almost completely empty of customers (normally you have to fight for breathing space).

It made me wonder whether Tesco is sending us subliminal messages  (maybe the club card is a brain trainer) or whether they have got their market research right and are giving people what they want? Choice, convenience, price, one-stop shopping... I could go on.

My local shops; butcher and general store ( very good but store has limited range), fishmonger (never go there as the fish always looks sad and range is very limited), Iceland, chemist's, 3 pubs, 2 cafes, 1 restaurant (all the pubs do food too) + one takeaway, 3 hairdressers, 1 betting shop, 1 computer repair shop, 1 electrician's, 1 undertaker, 1 optician and 2 beauty salons. When I first lived here there was a full range of shops including a greengrocer's and I could do all my shopping on foot locally. Except I didn't have the time to walk the rounds and queue the queues then go elsewhere for the "exotica" not available locally so I went to the supermarket.

Now I have the time to shop locally there is a very limited choice so either I go to the supermarket or I spend a great deal of time (and money) bussing or driving around to get everything I want.

In an ideal world juggernauts like Tesco would not exist but they do exist and clearly most people choose to shop there hence their spectacular growth and profits.


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #72 on: January 06, 2010, 11:06:30 »
Going slightly off topic a minute, I wish we had a local butcher (that's right, not ONE buthers in our whole town) because when you see how they manipulate meat before it reaches the supermarket, you know you're paying for sub-standard quality no matter how they may tart it up with 'best' labels.  Although, we do have a butchers in the next town (about nine miles) and he has his meat delivered from a (very) local farm and cuts it up out back and brings it straight into the shop.  As you can imagine, the queues are not short! lol.  We used to have several local butchers and greengrocers but as we now have THREE tesco stores (2x superstores and 1 in the town centre) 1 Sainsbury superstore and 1 Asda superstore in our town alone, the little shops all went belly up.  I'm not against the big stores, they def. provide all you need but there's no doubt that quality is lost along the way.  Just my two penneth. 


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #73 on: January 06, 2010, 11:18:10 »
I find local shops can actually be much more convenient, if they're on the way to work or home or something. Doing a big shop is tiring and boring, and you can end up wasting food if your plans change.

When I used to live in Birmingham and London, I used them for most of my shopping. It was really nice to be on my way home, think 'what do I fancy for tea?' and pop into a shop to buy something.

But this was in areas with cheap local shops, with lots of interesting fresh produce. (Ie areas with lots of immigrants who like cooking)

If you only have an expensive local shop with a few wrinkled veg and ready meals - it's a lot less attractive!


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #74 on: January 06, 2010, 11:34:49 »
Yes I agree Pigeonseed. When I lived in town the local shops were quite splendid and offered a huge choice of fresh local produce. interestingly since I moved Tesco, M &S food and Waitrose have opened up in the area and already the small shops are feeling the pinch and several have closed.


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #75 on: January 06, 2010, 13:57:51 »
No, greed wasn't invented by the church, it's just a behaviour.  But sin, that's a disease invented by the church, and greed is marketed as one of the big-seven.  Of course, the church controls the medicine, and it's made itself rich and powerful selling it.

So the concept of greed being a dirty thing is a Christian idea, so to accuse Tesco of greed is to judge a secular organisation against a Christian value.  Yes, of course Tesco is greedy.  All for-profit organisations are greedy by definition.  It's what greedy is - the persuit of profit.  It's only a problem because the church has loaded the word.  It's a circular argument.

And again, it's a very tricky accusation for a Christian to make, because the church itself does so very poorly when it's measured against pretty much any of its religious values - though hats off, it is a remarkably effective business.

I'm not necessarily saying the Christian church is an unhealthy organisation, I'm saying it ought to keep its nose out of secular affairs.

And I'm not necessarily saying that being a Christian makes you a bad person, but my experience is that it doesn't necessarily make you a good person.

The point that for-profit organisations are intrinsically greedy is the best argument out for Communism. If you want to accuse the church of starting that, I won't argue! We didn't invent sin by the way, we inherited the concept from the Jews.

I completely agree that some Christians are bad people; some of the behaviour I see around churches is just horrendous. All too often, they behave like abusive families. You're welcome to argue that the church is an unealthy organisation, and if you get your facts right, I'll probably agree with you.

When you say that there are some areas that the church should 'keep its nose out of', then I think you're completely out of order. I'm not telling you to keep yours out of our business, I just think you need to stop generalising, and get it right. We have such a thing as free speech, and we have the same right to comment on anything we like as you do. Philosophically, it's an impossible request. The most basic belief of the church is the idea that the universe was created by a being who takes responsibility for it, and who delegates part of that responsibility to humanity. With that as a basis, we will never accept that there is anything which is not subject to God, or which is not our business.


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #76 on: January 06, 2010, 15:46:18 »
What a mad and interesting conversation!  :)

I think religious people might label bad things 'sin' and that's a religious concept, but greed is also a secular concept. Greed and being greedy are by definition negative, even if you're an atheist (which I am).

Making a reasonable or fair profit isn't greedy. Surely we call it greed when a person/organisation's wants are destructive or deprive others.

So if we want too many throw-away items, we destroy natural resources, maybe we also get them because of the low pay and poor life chances of others who produce them. Then we're greedy (us as well as Tescos)

However, having said that, I feel pulled in two directions. One is to feel moral outrage about the damage that our supermarkets and our way of life do. And the other is to think dispassionately about it and see it's not fair to hate Tescos and us for being very good at capitalism. It's the system and we're working it.

Okay - so when it stops snowing, ashall we start a revolution? Or just put the kettle on?  ;) ;D


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #77 on: January 06, 2010, 15:52:06 »
Put the kettle on... the revolution will wait..  ::)

Poppy Mole

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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #78 on: January 06, 2010, 15:59:12 »
A week or two's time we'll all be too busy gardening for a revolution - now where's the teapot!


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Re: Greedy Tescos
« Reply #79 on: January 06, 2010, 15:59:57 »
I'm having a cuppa right now! And no I'm not saying where I bought it and whether it's Fairtrade or not! ;D ;D :P A wee break from the cleaning using product free e-cloths from John Lewis.

Am I getting neurotic? :o :o


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