Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Do you dig it?

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Yo Peeps

ow iz a good time to dig/clear your lottie, witout worying tooooo much about the weeds cuz jacks about..... I dug sum todayand I'm going to dig sum more tomorrow, Wednes iz going to be -6 C..... Brrrrrrrrrr but,
it will kill a lot of weeds.

Itz better ust digging than, dig  a bit, bend down, grab as many weed roots as you can. straighten up, (only time I ever am) and dig a little more, and so on and so on and so on, could go on and on and on and on but I wont, and another thing about digging in this cold snap iz, yooze gets more done, I wuz down to me T-shirt I wuz, and I sweated too.. eh up babble alert


oZzY %)

I just watch what the old hands are up to at our place and it looks like they're clearing at the moment. So that' my cue to start doing it myself.

Mrs Ava:
Yup - I'm the same as BB - watch what the guys and gals are up to on other plots, they have been there longer than me, so they know the timings.  A couple of them have totally cleared their plots now - not a thing left!  What are they going to do over winter!  But most are now down to parsnips and greens -oooo and sprouts, my fave!  ;D


On my plot all the advice is conflicting, so I iz just going to do me own thing and see wot happens...

Tims pics are inspiring, I think I will hand dig for the first season, pull as many weeds as I can... then rotavate in the spring.. or weather permitting just before spring..... I hate digging I does.


oZzY %)

Mrs Ava:
I liked Tims pics too!  Rotovating is a tempting thought - I have now finally cleared and dug my plot -  3 days a week for 3 hours, over the last 6 weeks....  It is finally weed free, but right chunky in some places and so dry, like rock!  I think I will wait for some more rain, then chat 'old jack' up and see if I can borrow his for a bit (mental note - don't let him do it for me....white rot....oooo, white rot.....will be on rotovator....hmmm...rethink who I should borrow one from.....)


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