Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Saving Runner Bean seed


Yo Peeps

I iz in need of sum advice I iz... my Runners are now starting to die back and a lot of the pods I am saving for seed are still green.... should I pick them now and store them in me shed or something? cuz its been blinking cold here with frosts of -5, or will they be better left on and allowed to freeze their pods off?


oZzY %)

Hiya,  :)

Take them off.  The seed will be ripe, even if the case is green. Remember to make sure the seed is not on a damp surface or piled on top of each other and that there is air circulation around them. Once a week, for a few weeks give them a shake up and they'll be grand for next year.

Oh. I pod mine as soon as brought into the shed.

Mrs Ava:
Glad I read your message Ozzy.  I looked at my plants today and they still have plenty of fat pods on them but are looking pretty knackered.  I shall de-pod, store the beans and cut the plants down.  More green matter for my bean trench!   ;D

Yo Merv/EJ

Thanks I think I will take half off and leave the other half on,
on, off, on. off, on, off iz how i wil do it I will.

EJ I picked sum pods a few weeks ago, those pods had gone a paper brown color and the pods split easy and the beans were a rich purple with black specks, a good
size too.  The one I picked tonight the seeds inside were smaller and duller in color, so I shall keep the pods in tact and store them like Merv sez... cheers Merv...


oZzY #8-D  (thats me wearing a fez and flying goggles when I had one of me compulsive grins on, that iz)


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