Author Topic: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.  (Read 4703 times)


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Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« on: November 29, 2009, 18:15:14 »
I am an architecture student studying in London and am doing research about allotments, the kind of culture surrounding them, and looking into how more allotments could be integrated in new development plans in the city.
If anyone has a few minutes to spare I would be extremely grateful if you could answer these questions, as brief or as lengthy as you’d like. I’m hoping our research and proposal can help spark change in how vacant land in the city is used and how new areas are planned, to meet the huge demand for allotments as proven by decade long waiting lists.
Thank you all!

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
In which city/borough is your allotment?
How big is your plot?
How many plots are there in your area?
How far is your plot from where you live?
Does your home have any green space?
In which seasons do you grow?
What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?
Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?
How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
How long have you had your plot?
Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
Anything else you’d like to share?


  • Hectare
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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 18:28:07 »

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment? ENJOYMENT IN PRODUCING OUR OWN VEG/FRUIT/FLOWERS
In which city/borough is your allotment? LIVERPOOL
How big is your plot?  ERM,NOT SURE!
How many plots are there in your area? ALLOTMENT SITES,AROUND 6 WITHIN STRIKING DISTANCE
How far is your plot from where you live? 25 MINS WALK
Does your home have any green space? YES,SHARED THOUGH
In which seasons do you grow? ALL 4
What do you grow in your allotment?  YOU NAME IT,WE GROW IT And how much? ENOUGH TO FEED US 9 MONTHS OUT OF THE YEAR
Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market? YES
Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries? NO
Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?YES
How much time do you spend tending to your allotment? SUMMER MONTHS ANYTHING UP TO 30 HOURS A WEEK
Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long? 4 YEARS
How long have you had your plot?2 YEARS
Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”? YES
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle? COMPLETELY,MUCH MORE TIME OUTDOORS,LESS TIME IN FRONT OF TV/PUB
Anything else you’d like to share? PM ME FOR MORE INFO

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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2009, 18:36:30 »

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?

Enjoyment of quality food

In which city/borough is your allotment?


How big is your plot?

10 pole

How many plots are there in your area?

Well over 1000 on probably 12 sites.

How far is your plot from where you live?

1/2 a mile

Does your home have any green space?

Yes a garden which is a similar size to our plot

In which seasons do you grow?

All seasons, although not a wide range in winter

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?

Veg, fruit and some flowers. In the summer we grow most of the veg we need and throughout the winter we probably have 1/2 what we need.

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

Yes in the main, although we wouldn't buy some things in the quantity we have on the plot. For example, I wouldn't buy 1lbs and 1lbs of soft fruit, but since we have it I make preserves etc.

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?

Yes in money, but no if you take into account the number of hours (since it is a hobby I don't count that)

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?

In the main. We have lots of fruit and veg, but we do also eat more crumbles & pies than we would do otherwise!

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?

About 8-10 hours a week during the summer and ranging from say 2-8 throughout the winter

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?

No, we were lucky. It was less than a year.

How long have you had your plot?

3 years

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?


How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?

We spend more time together as a couple/family. We do more physical exercise. We are able to eat freshly grown veg cheaply. It is also an interesting hobby educationally and an opportunity to meet with a diverse group from the local community.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Best of luck with your project.


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2009, 18:41:00 »
You don't just want Londoners to reply do you?

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
I'm an allotmenteer, and that's difficult without an allotment.  I'm not trying to be difficult, but I have an allotment because I wanted an allotment.  It's a self-image thing I expect.

In which city/borough is your allotment?

How big is your plot?
11 pole

How many plots are there in your area?
There are 7 sites in Newbury, at a guess that's about 25 acres total.  Plots are all different sizes and have shrunk drastically in the last five years, so It's not a very meaningful question, but there's going to be something like 350 plots in Newbury.  Only one site is in what I'd call my area.

How far is your plot from where you live?
One minute walk.

Does your home have any green space?

In which seasons do you grow?
The growing season?

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Potatoes, leeks, onions, shallots, sweetcorn, courgettes, marrows, raspberries, parsnip, carrots, courgettes, runner beans, tobacco, daliahs, and courgettes.  

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
Yes, probably.

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?
Not sure I can judge that.

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
10h/week in the spring, less in the summer and autumn, little in the winter.

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?

How long have you had your plot?
15 years.

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
I socialise with people, I'm out of the house more, I spend more time with my dogs sitting by my shed, I'm involved in my community and feel a strong sense of ownership of my site and community at large.

Anything else you’d like to share?
You didn't ask about sheds.  You'll understand nothing about the allotment movement if you don't ask about sheds.
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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2009, 19:09:38 »

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
To grow fruit, vegetables and flowers in the company of other gardeners.

In which city/borough is your allotment?

How big is your plot?
My own plots are 25ft x 130ft (I have two) There are 114 plots of varying sizes on our site.

How many plots (allotment sites)  are there in your area?

How far is your plot from where you live?
About 10 minutes walk

Does your home have any green space?
A very small garden.

In which seasons do you grow?
All 4.

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Runner beans, French beans, Broad beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash, courgettes, artichokes, cardoons, sugar loaf chicory, collards, lettuce, strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb, flowers. I grow more than I need and give lots away.

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
I've never worked it out, but probably not.

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?
Yes, I don't use pesticides and we eat what I grow most days.

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
I spend about 4 hours a day, 7 days a week but it isn't all work.  I do quite a lot of talking!

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
8 years ago there wasn't a waiting list and I had the choice of about 9 plots.

How long have you had your plot?

8 years.

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?
Yes, but I don't lose any sleep over it.

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
It has given me the opportunity to meet many different people and share my love of gardening with them.  As I am the Secretary of the association I have a good excuse to go round the site and spend time talking to plotholders.

Anything else you’d like to share?
My garden at home is very small but even if I had a massive garden, I would still want an allotment because I think it is so much better gardening with a group of people.  There is a very strong sense of community on our site and many newcomers tell me that although they had their names on waiting lists at other sites, it was ours that they really wanted to join.

There are many different nationalities on our site, Italian, Chinese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Kenyan, Brazilian, West Indian, Irish and English and there is a lot we can learn from their methods.

Actually, thinking about it, I think the social side of having an allotment is slightly outweighing the gardening!

Good luck with your studies!

Walsall Road Allotments

allotment website:-


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2009, 10:12:26 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
I've been desperately wanting to grow stuff for years, but as an adult never had a garden.
In which city/borough is your allotment?
New Malden, Surrey
How big is your plot?
Don't know, but one of the bigger ones
How many plots are there in your area?
Do you mean in the locality or on the site?  In the locality around 4 nearish, plots - not sure, but it's one of the biggest sites in greater London.
How far is your plot from where you live?
About 25 mins walk but all uphill so I drive
Does your home have any green space?
Yes, but it's not my home.
In which seasons do you grow?
What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Small quantities of everything in as many varieties as possible aiming not to get major gluts.  Covering the usual English foodstuffs and some unusual edibles.
Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?
Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
Absolutely NOT.
Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?
You'd have to test it.  In terms of freshness and lack of pesticides yes, but as a greater London plot who knows how much lead etc. has been absorbed.
How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
It varies according to my proper work, which is freelance so I get gluts of that.  If I'm free I'll be down there in spring, early summer from 4-6 hours a day, because I'm still turning over weed filled ground.  Sometimes I can't get down for weeks except to water and pick because I've too much work.  Average would be 3 times a week around 3/4 hours, I suppose.
Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
Yes, 24 hours!!!  :D
How long have you had your plot?
1 year, 7 months.
Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?
I wasn't particularly, but since I got my plot I've become more aware and increasingly alarmed at my increased footprint.  I've increased trips in the car; down to the plot and to pick up stuff 'x' fold, compared to minimal shopping trips and commuting to work by public transport, plus I've turned over lots of greenery to get at the earth and I never was one for eating imported vegetables and I suspect the fresh English veg I used to buy used less fuel in the production and distribution down to economies of scale than I could.  I'm looking at no-stock, vegan organic farming solutions right now as a result.
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
To be honest, it's made me poorer financially because I keep putting off looking for full-time work  and anti-social because I'd rather be down my plot.  ;)  Also, I feel less fit.  Lugging things around and  bending over has replaced a lot of brisk walking.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I tried to buy a farm in China.

P.S. I don't think your survey asked here is going to give you realistic results because you're talking to enthusiasts.  If you looked at my allotments for example you'd see a general lack of effort and enthusiasm and very little activity except in the peak summer months.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 11:00:37 by earlypea »


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2009, 17:32:50 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?

It's somewhere I can get ssome peace. I grow veg, keep bees, and enjoy the wildlife.

In which city/borough is your allotment?


How big is your plot?

600 square yards.

How many plots are there in your area?

About 80. The site was much bigger once, but we lost plots, forst to the railway, and later to a school sports field.

How far is your plot from where you live?

About a mile.

Does your home have any green space?


In which seasons do you grow?

All the year round, but predominantly in the summer.

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?

The emphasis is on peas, beans and twnder veg; sweet corn, tomatoes (when we don't get an early outbreak of blight) and squashes.

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

To some extent, though sone is stuff we wouldn't otherwise use.

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?

Vegetables and honey together more than compensate for the money, but not at all for the time if you factor that in.

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?

Probably not since we try to eat healthy anyway.

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?

A couple of hours a day when I'm fit to do it.

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?

I waited a month, but that was ten years ago. It's more like a couple of years now.

How long have you had your plot?

Ten years.

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?

Yes. We can't go on wrecking the planet. Most likely we'll try, but the planet itself will stop that soon enough.

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?

I'm spending a lot more time outdoors than I would otherwise.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Just that allotment sites, as many others have found, are ideal for beekeeping.

Psi (Pronounced 'Si'!)

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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2009, 07:57:55 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment? exercise, getting outdoors, connecting with what I grow, organic produce
In which city/borough is your allotment? enfield
How big is your plot?8mx 25m
How many plots are there in your area? enfield has multiple allotment sites
How far is your plot from where you live?5 mins walk
Does your home have any green space?yes, back garden
In which seasons do you grow?all
What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?chard, spinach, celeriac, fennel, beetroot, salads, salsify, artichokes, broad beans, runner beans, french beans, cucumber, squash, cougette, fruit - apples, pears, plum, raspberries, currants, gooseberry, josterberry, blueberry,tomato, bamboo
Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market? yes
Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries? easily
Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?very much so and more varied
How much time do you spend tending to your allotment? average 3 hrs a week
Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long? 12 months
How long have you had your plot? 18mnths
Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”? yes. it makes sense
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle? not much
Anything else you’d like to share?


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2009, 16:57:05 »
Fresh veg, fresh air and exercise
6+ poles
6 or 7 sites local
5 minute walk
Back garden
Mainly veg, spuds, carrots, beetroot, celeriac,onions, shallots, french and runner beans, sweetcorn, Tommie's, spring onions, leeks, figs, strawberry's, parsnips, cauli's, psb, sprouts, cabbages, peas, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, swede, kale and fennel,  feeds for 8+ months
Don't know
Anything up to 20 hours spring/summer and up to 5/6 hours in winter months
5Th season
Less time in pub and watching tele and more exercise
Only my mortgage payments, if your up for it.


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2009, 11:29:54 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
Having the room to grow al the things I want to grow; getting outside and getting some productive physical exercise; eating the results!
In which city/borough is your allotment?

How big is your plot?
10 rods; that's about 250 square metres. This is classed as half a plot on my site.

How many plots are there in your area?
About 160 plots on my site. In the area I think there are two other sites but don't know how many plots they have.

How far is your plot from where you live?
About a 20 minute walk.

Does your home have any green space?
No, apart from two very small flower beds in the back yard.

In which seasons do you grow?
All of them!

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Fruit: apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, rhubarb.
Veg: loads, but staples every year are spuds, carrots, leeks, onions, garlic, beans, tomatoes, courgettes, squash, beetroot, chard, lettuce and broccoli.
Flowers: nasturtiums, marigolds, daffs, tulips.

How much as I can possibly fit in.

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
I don't know, I've never added it all up

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?
Probably about the same, as I always used to eat fairly healthily anyway. Also as someone else said in their replies, I do make a lot more crumbles/pies/cakes than I used to!

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
In summer, about 12 hours a week. In winter, about 5 hours a week.

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
There was a waiting list but because I only wanted half a plot and everyone else wanted to wait for a full one, I jumped it and got my plot straight away.

How long have you had your plot?
3 years

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?
Yes, I think it's important to use as much locally produced produce as possible and recycle everything, use low energy lightbulbs etc etc. It may not save the planet but at least it's not hastening its demise too much. 

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
I'm outdoors a lot more. My house, car and clothes get a lot more muddy. I also eye all local skips habitually to see if there's anything I can use.

Anything else you’d like to share?
I'm keen on the whole "allotment art" phenomenon - people construct all sorts of lovely things, from sheds to scarecrows to birdscaring sculptures. Also as someone else has said above, sheds are a vital part of the experience. If you have one it's your little domain and retreat as well as handy storage area, if you don't have one you will have shed envy at some stage. 


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2009, 11:44:10 »
Here you go

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
Some personal thinking space.  I have always loved gardening and outgrew the home garden, so allotment was the next obvious step and I was approaching 40!
In which city/borough is your allotment?
LB Hounslow
How big is your plot?
10 rods
How many plots are there in your area?
Only four sites left in Isleworth - all full with waiting lists but some of these sites are tiny 10 plots
How far is your plot from where you live?
10 min walk, 2 min drive
Does your home have any green space?
small garden
In which seasons do you grow?
This is the first year that I am overwintering - so all


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2009, 11:53:40 »
and here is part 2 ......

How did everyone manage to get all responses into the message box??

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?Everything.  enough spuds till January, peas for a couple of months, carrots, onions for the whole year, calabrese, brocolli, cauliflower, soft fruit and top fruit
Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market? yes
Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries? sort of had a bit of a splurge on allotment goodies this year but usually yes
Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment? No, just cheaper per head
How much time do you spend tending to your allotment? at least one day per week
Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long? about a year
How long have you had your plot? 3 years 9 months
Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”? I like to think I'm doing my bit but I'm not an activist.
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle? Much more active and resistant to the cold
Anything else you’d like to share?  It's hard to describe the emotional connection I have to 250 sq m of clay soil


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2009, 11:59:54 »
OK this is embarrassing now - I've still got more to say.......

Yes, I also have become more resiliant to muddy jeans, boots, car, hallway and skips have taken on a whole new significance.

This forum is regularly asked for opinions, which we readily provide.  So here is a request, can we have some feedback - how useful was this, how did you use the information, what next etc.

That's it, I'm done ;D


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2009, 12:48:00 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
My mental health

In which city/borough is your allotment?

How big is your plot?
10 rods

How many plots are there in your area?
200-300 I guess

How far is your plot from where you live?
1 minute walk

Does your home have any green space?

In which seasons do you grow?

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Large variaty will change a bit very year. As much as I can.

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?
Some do, but I grow a lot that I would never have bought.

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
Probably, If I bought what I grew it would cost a lot more.

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
Probably about 5 hours a week

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
a few years

How long have you had your plot?
2 years

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?
sustainability yes, the current “green movement", less so.

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
Hard to say

Anything else you’d like to share?

If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2009, 17:15:09 »

What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
How much space have you got? It's part of my life-style & philosophy. And I was brought up on one.

In which city/borough is your allotment?
London Borough of Hillingdon

How big is your plot?
10 poles & 15 poles

How many plots are there in your area?
Probably a dozen sites within easy distance. (Or do you mean plots on the site? About 90.)

How far is your plot from where you live?
Quarter of a mile.

Does your home have any green space?
Yes, a long garden, but it's in shade for much of the year.

In which seasons do you grow?
All, but more in the warmer ones!

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
potatoes, sprouts, purple sprouting, leeks, onions, shallots, garlic, carrots, parsnips, turnips, chard, spinach, peas, climbing beans, sugar snaps, mangetout, sweetcorn, winter squash, courgettes, tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, chillies, flowers, lettuce, herbs, asparagus, grapes, loganberries, gooseberries, strawberries, rhubarb (and probably a few others I've forgotten)
Basically, enough to live on and give plenty away to friends.

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
Probably not. That's not why I do it.

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
How long is a piece of string? 4 or 5 sessions a week in the spring/summer; less in autumn; not much in winter

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
20 minutes (That was 10 years ago.)

How long have you had your plot?
See above.

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?
Of course.

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
No. I've lived the "Good Life" since I gave up full-time work 20 years ago.

Anything else you’d like to share?
If you ask. And please share your results/feedback/conclusions with us!

« Last Edit: December 04, 2009, 17:17:37 by Trevor_D »


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Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2009, 09:20:50 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?
Fresh fine veg, exercise, and the company

In which city/borough is your allotment?

How big is your plot?
1/2 plot - 5x25 metres?

How many plots are there in your area?
???  1 site within walking distance, several more within this end of Leeds
How far is your plot from where you live?
5 minute walk across the football fields!

Does your home have any green space?

In which seasons do you grow?
I try to have something in all seasons

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
Any veg I can - but no greenhouse crops (so no tomatoes, peppers  :( ) - it will be enough to keep me in veg more or less through the year

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?
Possibly - maybe probably, if you factor in the transport costs

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?
Varies from 2-3 hours a week in dead of winter, to 2-3 days a week in spring/summer.

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?
Yes - only about 2 months though.

How long have you had your plot?
1 month (this time - had other plots over five years)

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?

How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
!!!!!!!!  Hmm - gets me out of doors much more; it was great when the kids were younger - doing something regular as a family.

Anything else you’d like to share?


  • Acre
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  • Posts: 429
Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2009, 21:06:21 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment?

fresh air

In which city/borough is your allotment?


How big is your plot?


How many plots are there in your area?

3 sites

How far is your plot from where you live?

ten minute walk

Does your home have any green space?

yes small garden

In which seasons do you grow?
mainly summer

What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?
weeds and the normal suspects

Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market?
when all works well

Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries?

probably 50/50

Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment?
i like to think so

How much time do you spend tending to your allotment?

20 hours in good weather

Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long?

6 years back signed up paid took over

How long have you had your plot?

6 years

Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”?

to a degree im not obsessed with it though
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle?
keeps me fit and the weight down

Anything else you’d like to share?
good luck with your studies
If it ain't broke don't fix it !!


  • Hectare
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  • And all that ..... in Hastings
    • Promenade Plantings
Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2009, 23:09:39 »
What is your primary motivating factor for having an allotment? – primarily the love of growing things, followed by the need for more space to grow fruit and veggies, followed by wanting fresh veggies, and being able to eat different varieties that you don’t necessarily see in the shops
In which city/borough is your allotment? - Hastings
How big is your plot? - 8 to 10 Poles
How many plots are there in your area? - Loads, you could check the council website for exact info
How far is your plot from where you live? - About 15 to 20 min walk uphill (but downhill on the way back  ;D )
Does your home have any green space? Yes a small garden
In which seasons do you grow? - All
What do you grow in your allotment? And how much?  - Pretty much giving everything a try and fine tuning the varieties that do well and we like. Not sure what you mean by how much, enough for a few meals for 2 people and our friends every week in Summer (and some to give to friends and neighbours), less productive at other times.
Does the food that you grow replace items you would otherwise purchase at a store or market? Yes, but still have to go shopping!  :-X
Does the amount of money you spend tending to your plot compensate for the money you save on groceries? I don't count
Are your meals healthier because of the food you grow in your allotment? Probably, but we eat well anyway. The major difference is no chemicals on my home grown veggies
How much time do you spend tending to your allotment? I don't really count, but more in Summer than in Winter, and it depends on other commitments, work, weather, health etc etc
Did you have to wait on a waiting list for your plot? How long? 6 Months
How long have you had your plot? Coming up for 3 years
Are you concerned with “sustainability” and the current “green movement”? Yes
How has having an allotment changed your lifestyle? Not sure it has changed my lifestyle. I like being outdoors anyway, I love gardening, I love cooking (particularly home grown), so I don’t think it has changed my lifestyle
Anything else you’d like to share? I’ve got to know another part to my town and community, made some new friends, learnt loads. And I’d also like to know more about your studies and this piece of research you are doing



  • Hectare
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  • Posts: 1,793
  • Hastings
Re: Help: We need more allotments in the UK.
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2009, 13:06:54 »
Hi - welcome to A4A.
I'd be happy to help, but do you want non-London replies?

And how are you going to process so much information in this form- have you thought about Survey Monkey or some other service like that? I just wonder if it would help you.

Have you got an information sheet about your research proposal and how our answers would be used?


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