Produce > Kept Animals

Bees and Beekeeping

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Should the Ebola virus ever break out in the remote Lincolnshire rain forest, I'll be ready for it.


--- Quote from: Plot69 on April 03, 2013, 17:29:35 ---

--- End quote ---

An indoor beehive ... that's my idea of a good location.

I recently did a beekeeping course, but I am now struggling to find a good location for a hive. Initially I had assumed my back garden would be ideal, but it only receives late sun. Also, I don't think I would be happy with just one hive.

With this in mind I have set up a website, to match would be beekeepers looking for hive space, with others who have space, but don't want to keep bees themselves.

The website can be found on my profile page.


Careful. NASA might nab you and send you in orbit.

Your local BKA might have some ideas where you could put the hive.

Video of a swarm which moved into one of my empty hives on Thursday. Another arrived this morning.


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