Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Well rotted manure

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my husband has a most foul arran jumper his mother knitted him about a hundred years ago - he never wears it, but insists on keeping it - guess where that will disappear to??!

morning everyone....have spoken to my friend whose off to yet another boot sale tomorrow and she's gonna have a good look for some of the basic tools for me...mostly though a fork & spade but anything that might come in useful stuff for bean trench or it ok for tea bags to go straight in?.....I thought it was but my friend says the tea should be emptied out of bags as the material doesn't break down...any comments on that please...I'm already collecting tea-bags - can keep them under my sink (I live in tiny flat) as they dont pong!!...lovely day...hope to go up to lottie not to dig but at least to walk around it and admire and imagine ;)H.P.

tea bags are fine.have thousands in mine as I drink it by the gallon daily!
Cerig, do you think I could throw me hubby in the bean trench with jumper on?? I wonder if me beans would grow better next year!!!!  ;D  (just kidding!!)
Dotty P.


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