Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Hoping for lottie soon

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Welcome HP.  :)

Good luck on your plot.  I'm sure you'll find plenty of folk on your site really willing to help you.

Maybe they have some spare tools so that you don't have to rush and buy.  Many peeps got standard tools before becoming rich and a "famemouse" and buying Stainless Steel stuff so their standards just loll about looking sorry for themselves at the back of the shed. I'm sure I would want to give them an outing for old time's sake.  :-/

Mrs Ava:
Hi Hot_potato!  I can't really add anything to what has gone before, other than to say, welcome to a great site with loads and loads of great people who are all fountains of knowledge on so many different things!  Ask anything, anything at all, and they (and me if I can) will help - anything about the message board, or your lottie.  You have the time now to start thinking about clearing your plot and planning what you wanna grow - I would say, grow what you wanna eat - sounds obvious, but there is an old fella on our plot grows marrows, he hates them, just bungs them on his compost heap!  And how many people out there grow sprouts, and actually like them (well I do, but I am the only person I know that loves them!)  Now I have rambled on long enough.  Just enjoy your new found patch of land!

I think that was good advice about growing what you like to eat.  We have a little old  lottie man near us, who just seems to like growing all sorts of vegetables.  He either seems to give them away or they go on the compost heap.  Its the growing of them he seems to like. He is a lovely man who lives alone and I think the allotment is his family, and he just like being there.  He grew courgettes and corn this year to see if he could but he didn't like the taste of either, so I think most of them got dumped. busy_lizzie

Sorry forgot to add: enjoy your allotment! I am sure you will love having one.  It is one of the best things, we ever did, getting a plot, and this is a lovely site full of people happy to give support and advice. Best Wishes! busy_lizzie  :D

:)What a lovely welcome you've all given me and some laughs ;D.....altho I only got my lottie today...I joined this site about 10 days or so ago and have really enjoyed reading all the different things that get covered by this fantastic lottie group....especially the recipe/food threads....hi to you Merv, Emma Jane & Busy Lizzie....good advice in your messages....I'm on my own so will probably be providing my two married sons & their families with different things once I get going next year....I like practically you E.J. love sprouts too.....can't understand anybody growing things they don't like but it takes allsorts!!...the lottie I picked has got very well looked after plots either side of me and I was told by lady who took me round this morning...that they are nice people and would be keen to help....I just hope I don't let them down....I'm really excited about it and wish I'd had it months ago now....altho as someone else said...a good time to be "feeling my way round and pottering and planning"..hope this posting wasn't too long  ;)


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