Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Mares tail

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Hi Merv, thanks for that tip? ;D i will try it next Spring when the little blighters appear >:( the only trouble is both the lotties next to mine have also got it, so i'll have to tell them ;) one is called Shaun,  a 64 year old Hells Angel  :o and is stuck in his ways. you want to see him ::) totally bald with a USA bandana on, leather waist coat, leather trousers and bike boots :o 8) , i will have to get a photo and put it on the thread, if he sees me, no doubt he will try and rip my head off ::), but what the hell it will give you a laugh ;D .

Hi Tenuse, a lot of alcohol, sounds good to me ;D ,  beats all the hard graft needed for planting ;) , will have to get the dogs running a bit harder to cool the freezer :-/ or maybe get a team of huskies ;D .

just seen marestail tea in a health food shop - perhaps you could harvest it as a sideline?

Hi legless, there isn't a tea urn big enough :o , tea hmmmmmmmmm if i did that i would bankrupt India and China as there is so much on the lottie  >:(  maybe a good little  ??? earner though.


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