Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Water Butts

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Hello everyone.

Work continues apace on my allotment which is celebrating its 6-week-old birthday!

I am going to get a water butt (or several) but I don't have a shed to catch water off via drainpipes.

How do you catch rainwater if your water butt is supposed to be covered all the time???????

I am imagining big funnel contraptions. Do I just have to get in the car whenever it rains and take all the lids off?

Ten x  :P

if you did cover one of them with a funnel contraption - I guess like an upside down umbrella and secured it into place, you would only need a smallish hole in the centre for the rain to get into one barrel - I wouldn't have thought you would lose that much water through evaporation from one small hole, as the funnel thing itself would act as the lid?

Mrs Ava:
hmmmm....I have the same dilemma - no shed currently and as we have no piped water on site, water butts are a must.  So tell me, as I am a little jaded at this time of night, why must you keep the lid on your butts?  (sounds rude..heheheheh)

Hi EJ, you keep your lids on to stop your pants geting dirty ;D . The real reason is to stop your water going green  ::)with the algae, or in your case jaded, get it green  :-/ i know sick joke :-X .

Mrs Ava:
Cheeky!  ;D
The water butt in my garden goes green, and it has a lid on!  Not terribly green, just a little peasoupy.  Surely this doesn't harm your waterings?  I know you should use clean water on seeds so you don't get damping off and other yuckies, but on plants already in situ, does it do harm?????   ;D :o ??? ;D


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